Have you recently retired? Those first couple of weeks can be so much fun, as you realize you don’t have to get up and go anywhere. The day(s) belongs to you and finally, you’ll have time to relax, read those books and talk as long as you want on the phone with friends. No more packing a lunch, getting clothes ready or any of the other work-life routine.

It’s different for everyone, this retirement startup, but after a couple of weeks, when the reality of all that free time hits you, you might start worrying. Some people don’t realize how much they miss the routine of having friends around all day long. Someone to lunch with or discuss a play, movie, book or shopping trip.

Quite a few years ago, when a friend of mine retired, she joined the Friends of the Library, the local historical society and met new-old friends, volunteered for tasks she was skilled at and made new friends. It helped segue into an active, useful, productive retirement life. Other friends have become Foster Grandparents, volunteered in libraries, schools or help deliver Meals on Wheels. Southern Maine Agency on Aging has many opportunities for retired folks.

If you or a friend are in this predicament, transitioning from work life to retirement life, here are some suggestions from the Lakes Region Senior Center in Gorham, which is open to all seniors in all the towns in the Lakes Region. It’s at the Little Falls Activity Center, 40 Acorn St., Gorham.

• The annual picnic will be held on Monday, July 20 at 11:30 a.m. A catered meal is planned, a choice of pulled pork or barbecued chicken, with salads, beverage and strawberry shortcake. After many requests, a returning accordion player will perform our favorite songs and melodies. Also the July birthdays will be celebrated. Members will be $5 and guests $10. Bring your lawn chair for the outside entertainment. For more information, call Blanche at 892-5604.

• Ever thought about writing a memoir? Join others at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, July 22, for guidance in creating precious, eventful or humorous stories for our family or your own pleasure. Everyone is invited to join us, bring a friend your pencil and notebook. For more information, call David at 892-5604.


• On Wednesday, July 29 at 10 a.m., Medicare Bingo will be presented by a representative of the Southern Maine Area on Aging. Questions and concerns about Medicare will be answered along with fun games of bingo. Prizes will be awarded to the winners.

The Lakes Region Senior Center is open from 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Monday-Thursday. Drop in and find out what it’s all about – stop for a cup of coffee or tea.

You may also want to contact your local library – or town – to find out what is offered especially for seniors. There are trips, special transportation help and many opportunities to enjoy your hobby with others.

Your local library is a real treasure when you just need something to do. You’ll be surprised at the range of things to do – most libraries include senior activities in their plans and these are outlined in their newsletters. You can read about them online or stop by the public library near you. Get a card if you don’t have one – they are free!

Kay Soldier welcomes reader ideas for column topics of interest to seniors. She can be reached by email at kso48@aol.com, or write to 114 Tandberg Trail, Windham, ME 04062.