I look at the bill to remove Maine’s relatively permissive concealed weapon standards (L.D. 652) as the canary in the coal mine. This is what our society has come to: To feel safe in our daily lives everyone has to carry a gun.

I think people need to solve their differences without violence. People need to be civil to each other. Most religions teach “treat people as you would like to be treated.” We should be trying to move to a society without needing guns.

Obviously this is very hard with all the violence that is on television and in the movies and games. What kind of society are we creating for our children and grandchildren? Respect, morals, compassions are what should be taught to our children by our example.

The funds for education should never be cut. With an educated society, there would be fewer people in prison and fewer people on welfare. People should be taught to think with an open mind and to be tolerant of each other.

Lincoln Harrison

North Berwick