Student speaks on Finland
The Finnish American Heritage Society will meet at 2 p.m. Sunday at its facility at 8 Maple St.
Following a brief business meeting, Anikka Kahkonen, a high school senior who spent a month in Finland last summer, will share her experiences through a video presentation.
The public is invited to attend.
For more details, call Barbara Payne at 743-5677.
Veterans to be honored
Town of Falmouth veterans have planned three special events in observance of Veterans Day on Tuesday.
A veterans memorial dedication will be held at 10 a.m., at American Legion Post No. 64, at 65 Depot Road, followed by a memorial dedication reception at 10:30 a.m., at the John J. Russell Meeting Room of Falmouth Memorial Library and a “Wreaths Across America” event will be held at 7 p.m., with Barry Hamilton at the Blueberry Commons Room, at 3 Marion Way.
For more details, go to www.falmouthme.org/home/news/veterans-day-celebration.
Holiday fair Saturday
Steep Falls Elementary will host a variety of vendors, crafters and baked goods during the holiday fair set for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday at 781 Boundary Road.
For more details, call Tonya Alexander at 642-4885.
Holiday Fair & Silent Auction
The Waterborough Historical Society will hold its annual Holiday Fair & Silent Auction from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Grange Hall at 31 West Road.
Crafters will offer a variety of items and lunch will be available. The silent auction will feature items and gift cards donated by local merchants.
Society merchandise of historical interest will be available for purchase, including a 2014 pewter Christmas ornament depicting the Town House.
Rental space is available for $15 per space.
To reserve a spot, call Jeannie Grant at 247-5332 or email moonbeam@sacoriver.net.
Dance planned at Grange
The Waterborough Historical Society will sponsor a dance at 7 p.m. Saturday at the Grange Hall at 31 West Road.
Pard the Countryman will provide American country and easy listening music for attendees’ dancing and listening pleasure.
Admission is $15 per person, BYOB, no one under 21 admitted; set-ups and snacks will be available.
Tickets can be purchased at Woodsome’s Feeds and Needs in East Waterboro and Woody’s Sports Grille on West Road.
For more information, call Jim Carll at 247-5878.
Snowflake Fair Saturday
The Lovell United Church of Christ will host a Snowflake Fair from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday at its center on Route 5.
The event will include holiday greens, berry bowls, fir pillows, costume jewelry, a Christmas loft, baked goods, luncheon items, gift items, raffles and books.
Film free for veterans
Carlisle Academy, in partnership with Purposeful Productions Inc., will offer a post-Veterans Day screening of the documentary film “Riding My Way Back” at 7:30 p.m. Thursday at Biddeford High School’s Little Theater on Maplewood Avenue.
The short documentary chronicles one soldier’s journey back from the brink of suicide while battling a traumatic brain injury and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder following deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, and how his interaction with a horse changed his life.
Tickets are $8 for adults, $5 for students with a valid student ID, and free for veterans; they are available at the door.
Carlisle Academy, of Lyman, offers therapeutic horsemanship services to veterans through the Wounded Warrior Project and in partnership with its accrediting body, PATH (Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship) International.
Proceeds from this event will help fund future screenings of the film.
For more details, call Sarah Armentrout at 985-0374 or go to sarmentrout@CarlisleAcademyMaine.com.
PJ party for parents, kids
Vose Library will host a Game Night and Pajama Party from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Friday at the facility at 392 Common Road.
Children and parents are invited to attend, wearing their pajamas, for an evening of games, activities and snacks.
This program is free and open to the public.
For more details, call Vose Library at 785-4733 or go to www.voselibrary.org.
Lecture on Soviet collapse
Louis Sell, a 28-year veteran of the U.S. Diplomatic Service, will discuss the causes of the Soviet collapse and the influence it still exerts on contemporary events in the talk “Who Killed the Soviet Union and Why It Matters Today,” to be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Thursday at the Vose Library
A retired foreign service officer, Sell worked for 28 years with the U.S. Department of State, including eight years each in Yugoslavia, the former Soviet Union and Russia.
This event is free and open to all.
The presentation advances the 28th Annual Camden Conference, themed “Russia Resurgent,” that is set for Feb. 20-22.
For more details, go to www.camdenconference.org, email info@camdenconference.org or call 236-1034.
Storytelling at Strand
PechaKucha Night Midcoast Maine will host the next evening of lightning-fast presentations and visual storytelling at 7 p.m. Friday in conjunction with the Midcoast Magnet’s Juice Conference 4.0 at the Strand Theatre at 345 Main St.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Tickets are $5 at the door for the general public (and free to Juice Conference attendees).
For more details, email Jana Herbener at pechakuchamidcoast@gmail.com.
Pet supplies sought
The Knox Community Center is holding its fifth annual Thanksgiving Pet Food and Supplies Drive to benefit area pet owners who need assistance caring for their pets.
Supplies of unopened cans and bags of cat and dog food, litter and litter box supplies, cloth and paper towels and new pet toys may be dropped off at Spectrum Generations Knox Community Center, at 61 Park St. from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tuesday through Friday through Nov. 17.
Thanksgiving pet care packages will be distributed during the week of Nov. 18 to pet owners in need.
All excess supplies will be donated to the Pope Memorial Humane Society of Knox County.
For more details, call 596-0339, email mpinkham@spectrumgenerations.org or go to www.spectrumgenerations.org.
National Game Day
Read, learn and play during a National Game Day event set for 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday in the Morrell Meeting Room at Curtis Memorial Library at 23 Pleasant St.
The library will have a Wii setup and board games available for all ages, including Scrabble, Battleship, checkers, Taboo and Apples to Apples. There will also be tables reserved for BYOBG (bring your own board game).
Registration is not required. These games aren’t competitive; there are no prizes.
For more details, go to curtislibrary.com or call 725-5242 Ext. 510.
Wii tourney and networking
The Mid Coast Edge, the young professionals group of the Southern Midcoast Chamber of Commerce, will host its second annual Wii tournament and networking event at 5 p.m. Wednesday at Frontier Café in Brunswick’s Fort Andross.
The Edge works to strengthen young people in the southern midcoast Maine region by promoting career, social and community development while providing a forum for its members, creating an active voice and exhibiting collaborative engagement.
Young professionals in the Bath-Brunswick-Freeport region are invited to come and network with each other while testing their Wii skills on Frontier’s big screen.
No experience is necessary.
The event is free.
For more details, go to www.explorefrontier.com.
Lincoln lecture planned
The next Joshua L. Chamberlain Civil War Round Table Lecture, “The Long Shadow of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address,” will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday at Curtis Memorial Library’s Morrell Room at 23 Pleasant St.
Lectures are free and open to the public.
For more details, call Al Prest 443-2296.
Heroes for hiring
The Southern Midcoast Maine Chamber and the Southern Midcoast CareerCenter are co-sponsoring the third annual Hiring Maine’s Heroes job fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday at the Knights of Columbus Hall, at 2 Columbus Drive.
The fair will open exclusively to veterans, service members and their families from 10 to 11 a.m., with the general public invited to attend at 11 a.m.
Employers who are interested in participating in the job fair should contact Michael Dyer in the CareerCenter’s Brunswick office at 373-4010 or email Michael.P.Dyer@maine.gov.
‘Democracy for Russia?’
The Kennebunk Free Library will offer the talk “Democracy for Russia?” from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesday as part of its four-month-long focus on the topic of “Russia Resurgent.”
The talk will be the first of several free community programs to be offered through Februrary that will include speakers, films, book discussions, a photo exhibit and a cooking demonstration.
All programs are free, require no registration and will be held at the library at 112 Main St.
The programs are being offered in conjunction with the 28th Annual Camden Conference: “Russia Resurgent,” to be held in Camden in February.
For more details, go to www.camdenconference.org, email info@camdenconference.org or call 236-1034.
WWII vets sought to speak
The Brick Store Museum will celebrate the memory of World War II with an oral history day and special lecture Tuesday at 117 Main St.
The museum is seeking veterans who are willing to share their stories and experiences on the home front and on the front lines during the 1940s. These recordings will then be placed in the museum’s local history archives for use by future researchers and visitors.
Staff and volunteers at the museum will conduct the interviews in the museum’s galleries between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Interviewees can sign up for an interview slot, offered on the hour starting at 10 a.m. Pre-registration is required.
In addition to the oral histories, a special presentation by World War II Foundation volunteer David Cram will take place at 1 p.m. and is free and open to the public.
For more details, call 985-4802.
Create your own wreath
The November Drop-In Craft session at the Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday at 18 Maine St.
Attendees of all ages may drop in any time to create a fall paper wreath.
All materials will be provided.
Young children must be accompanied by an adult.
For more details, call 967-2778 or go to http://www.graveslibrary.org.
Forum on long-term care
The Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library is offering a series focused on long-term care, Medicare, retirement planning, estate planning and Social Security for individuals facing long-term care issues.
Each meeting will be offered as an open forum, meeting from 6:30 to 8 p.m., with individuals who are proficient in each subject fielding audience questions.
The first session, “Long-Term Health Care” will be held Thursday, with additional sessions including:
• “Medicare and You” on Jan. 8.
• “Retirement Planning (Not Outliving Your $$$$) on Feb. 5.
• “Estate Planning” on March 5.
• “Social Security” on April 9.
Light refreshments will be served.
For more details, call 967-2778 or go to www.graveslibrary.org.
Farm, fingerplays and more
Louis T. Graves Memorial Public Library’s Children’s Room will feature a presentation by special guest reader Flo from Frinklepod Farm at 10 a.m. Friday at 18 Maine St.
Flo will share farm and harvest-themed stories, fingerplays and a craft.
For more details, call 967-2778.
Policeman talks of scams
The South Portland/Cape Elizabeth Triad will sponsor a talk by Cape Elizabeth Police Officer Mark Dorval from 2 to 3 p.m. Thursday at the Cape Elizabeth Town Center Fire Station at 2 Jordan Way.
Officer Dorval will discuss current scams taking place in the community and ways to protect yourself so you don’t become a victim.
Light refreshments will be served and parking will be in the rear of the fire station.
For more details, call police Officer David Galvan at 767-3323 or Officer Robert Libby at 799-5511.
Esteemed chef to read
James Haller, acclaimed Portsmouth Blue Strawbery Restaurant chef and author, will speak at the South Berwick Public Library at 7 p.m. Wednesday.
Haller will read excerpts from his new book, “Salt and Pepper Cooking: The Education of An American Chef, Part II.”
This free program is part of South Berwick Library’s Author Readings Series and is open to the public.
For more details, go to www.southberwicklibrary.org or call 384-3308.
How Santa Claus evolved
“What Santa Looks Like” will be the topic of discussion at 7 p.m. Thursday at the monthly meeting of the Otisfield Historical Society at the Otisfield’s Community Hall at 202 Scribner Hill Road.
Jean Pottle and Jean Hankins will guide the audience via a PowerPoint presentation through the evolution of the person of Santa Claus.
Among the illustrations shown, Hankins will use some of her extensive collection of old post cards displaying Santa, most of which were mailed to her mother in the period from 1900 to 1915.
The public is invited to attend.
For more details, call Jean Hankins at 539-2521 or email jeanhankins@myfairpoint.net.
Primer on Obamacare
Portland Public Library has partnered with the Opportunity Alliance to create an informative workshop for individuals thinking about signing up for the Affordable Care Act.
Come and meet with a health insurance assistance volunteer from 10 a.m. to noon Wednedays through Feb. 15 in Meeting Room No. 3 to enroll or re-enroll for insurance.
The library is located at 5 Monument Square in downtown Portland.
For more details, call Rachael Weyand at 871-1700 ext. 723.
Mexico in all its colors
The Maine Charitable Mechanic Association will present its second travel lecture of the season, “Colorful Mexico” at 7:30 p.m. Monday at Catherine McAuley High School Auditorium on Stevens Avenue.
Parking is onsite and the auditorium is wheelchair accessible.
Refreshments will be served and all are welcome to attend.
Registration for runners
The Sanford Parks and Recreation Department, along with York County Federal Credit Union, is accepting registrations for the 28th annual 5K Turkey Trot Road Race, set for Nov. 22 at the Sanford Junior High School Gymnasium on Main Street.
A 1-mile Dog Jog/Fun Walk is available for those who don’t like to run. Dogs are welcome on the walk only and owners are asked to bring their own cleanup kit.
All participants begin at 9 a.m.
Advance registration is $10 by Nov. 19 or $15 on the day of event.
Sanford students pay $5.
T-shirts and ribbons will be awarded for all participants with gift certificates to top winners in all categories.
Refreshments will follow the event.
For more details, call the Recreation Office at 324-9130. Online registration can be found at sanfordrec.com.
For all families
A D.A.R.E. Retro Bill Family Show will be held at 6 p.m. Monday at Scarborough High School, at 11 Municipal Drive.
The family values-themed program includes a positive message that is open to all ages.
Brown Bag Lunch
Consultant pharmacist Tanya Kibler will speak on “Bio-identical Hormone Therapy” at noon Monday at the Camden Public Library at the monthly Wellness Brown Bag Lunch, co-hosted by the library and Destination Wellness Midcoast Maine.
Come learn how your body’s own natural hormones can keep you healthy and youthful.
On Thursday, Anthony Antolini will speak on “The Russian Orthodox Church Today” at 7 p.m. as part of the Camden Conference Community Events series.
For more details, call Ken Gross 236-3440.
Tips for holiday decor
Educator Connie Tuller will teach attendees how to find and cut balsam fir tips to make their own fragrant wreaths from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday, meeting at the Great Pond Mountain Wildlands South Gate on Route 1, near the Route 176 intersection.
Attendees should dress warmly, bring clippers and gloves and some decorations to create their own wreaths. Forms and wire will be provided.
In case of inclement or cold weather, participants will precut tips and hold the workshop indoors at Craig Brook National Fish Hatchery.
Please preregister with Connie at 223-5039 or email farmconn@aol.com.
AARP Smart Driver course
The new AARP Smart Driver course, for drivers age 50 and older, will be presented from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Thursday at the York Senior Center at 36 Main St.
The registration fee is $15 for AARP members and $20 for all others. Advance registration is required. Class size is limited and registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.
To register, call the York Senior Center at 363-1036.
Annual Christmas Fair
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 62 will host its annual Christmas Fair from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday at 17 Dunn St.
Spaces are still available for rent for those wishing to sell their wares.
For more details, call Carolyn at 854-0573.
Sign up for Turkey Trot
Registrations are being accepted for the Maine Track Club’s Annual 5K Turkey Trot, set for 9 a.m. Nov. 23 at Cape Elizabeth Middle School at 14 Scott Dyer Road.
Sign-up fee is $25.
For more details, call Bob Ayotte at 956-1122.
Send questions/comments to the editors.