If my 9-year-old grandson ever asks about the phrase “the means justifying the end,” I have Sen. Angus King to thank for providing an example.

By switching his endorsement in the campaign for governor from independent Eliot Cutler to Democrat Mike Michaud, King has opened up an encyclopedia of life lessons for my grandson and me to discuss, including the meaning of loyalty, principles, values, ethics and standing by your word.

I’ll be lucky if my stamina and my grandson’s attention span last long enough. This may take several sessions.

The ultimate life lesson that my grandson can learn is that even after shifting his loyalty, whatever his justification for doing so, Sen. King did not accomplish what he set out to do.

Sen. King has done more damage to himself than to either of the good men he found himself supporting at different times, when it was convenient to do so. On that point, I expect that my grandson and I will find no need for discussion.

Susan Graham
