YARMOUTH — Mainers, it is time for us to wake up and pay attention. The stakes are very high in this gubernatorial election.
I am not a Democrat, Republican or a member of any political party. I have always voted for the candidate who I believe will best serve our great state. Given the stakes, I always vote my conscience.
Eliot Cutler, independent candidate for governor, has restored my faith in the possibilities for Maine’s future. All three gubernatorial candidates care deeply about our state. The two questions we need to ask ourselves before casting our vote are:
• Which candidate has the clearest vision for where we should be headed?
• Which candidate can act in the best interests of all Mainers, rising to counter the challenge of the special interest connections to the party establishment?
For me, that candidate is Eliot Cutler. He has listened to the people of the state of Maine and has developed thoughtful and specific plans. He also has the personal convictions and the leadership to see it through.
Democrat Michael Michaud and Republican Gov. Paul LePage do not offer a compelling vision, nor are they equipped to lead our state. Maine deserves better than either of these candidates. The debates only confirmed this.
The Democrats want you to vote strategically. They have played the strategy game well – holding off on gubernatorial debates until after early voting started; using flawed polls to create fear, and beating the drum that if only Eliot dropped out, Maine would be saved from another four years of LePage as governor. Sadly, some people will be persuaded by these tactics.
Unfortunately, I see the same strategic game in the change in Michael Michaud’s positions on equality and reproductive rights. The fact that Michaud recently acknowledged that he is gay, yet did not publicly support gay marriage and voted against equal rights, is unacceptable.
He voted 19 times over a 20-year period against including sexual orientation in the Maine Human Rights Act. When it finally passed, Michaud was the only Democrat in the Maine Senate to vote against the landmark nondiscrimination bill. In my view, this makes Michaud bipartisan in only the worst sense of the word.
When he ran for Congress in 2012 – the last time he ran for office – Michaud was given an opportunity to loudly declare his support for reproductive health care.
Instead, he chose to support the Hyde Amendment, the ban on federal funding of abortions that creates all-but-insurmountable hurdles for Maine’s poorest women to access care when they need it the most.
Currying favor with progressive voters, Michaud reversed this stance in August of this year. As a strong advocate for gay rights and women’s reproductive health, I find his positions lack conviction and compassion.
Voting is not supposed to be a game – too much is at stake. You shouldn’t be trapped into voting for your second choice. You should be able to vote proudly and unapologetically for the best candidate. It’s common sense.
Oftentimes I am undecided on who I am voting for in an election until the final two weeks. I changed my choice three times one election year. However, since this race started I have supported Eliot Cutler, and I will not be influenced by the political parties to do otherwise.
As a business owner, I support Eliot Cutler for governor because he has a solid four-year game plan for Maine’s economic future.
He inspires people with the strength and consistency of his beliefs and the clear ability to lead Maine.
Cutler was the Democratic Party’s first choice to run for governor in 2014.
After Cutler declined, Democrats went with Mike Michaud. With Cutler in the governor race, Democrats should still vote for their first choice. It’s just common sense. Yes, my vote goes to a solid plan for Maine’s future and to Eliot Cutler.
Remember, independent James Longley was polled at 13 percent the day before the 1974 election and ended up winning the race for governor by over 40 percent.
Considering how close the race was four years ago between LePage and Cutler, there should be no concern about wasting a vote with Cutler.
He is the right candidate for Maine and will be Maine’s next governor.
— Special to the Press Herald
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