NEW YORK — Alec Baldwin and Shia LaBeouf never ended up sharing a Broadway stage as planned last year, but real-life dramatics landed both of them Thursday in a distinctly less celebrated venue: Manhattan criminal courts.

Both stars appeared in courtrooms a few blocks apart for separate disorderly conduct cases.

LaBeouf is charged with disrupting a Broadway performance, while Baldwin was accused of getting belligerent with police who said they stopped him for riding a bicycle the wrong way down a one-way street.

Their shared court date was just a coincidence, but it paired stars who have become known for acting up, not just for acting.

“Looks like you have a short fuse,” Manhattan Criminal Court Judge John DeLury told Baldwin while looking over the allegations against him; they’re violations, not crimes. After Baldwin repeatedly said he’d pay a fine for the May 13 encounter – though the judge said he was just asking for an apology – DeLury put the case on track to be dismissed if the actor avoids re-arrest for six months. It’s a common outcome for low-level cases in Manhattan.

“Can you stay out of trouble, Alexander?” DeLury asked.

“Sure, sure,” Baldwin said.

“Be a good boy from now on. Have a good day!”

Meanwhile, LaBeouf’s lawyer and prosecutors said they were trying to resolve his case. He’s accused in court papers of playing a boorish role in the audience at “Cabaret” last month, smoking cigarettes, yelling at the actors onstage, and swearing at security guards and hollering as he was escorted out: “Do you know who I am?”