Education budget won’t increase property taxes

Saco approved a $32.9 million education budget, the first proposed since the city voted last year to withdraw from Regional School Unit 23.

Residents voted 889-256 in favor of the budget, which will not impact property taxes.

The budget allows the district to invest in technology and hire several teachers, according to district officials. The budget includes several new positions, such as a literacy education technician at the Young School, an elementary school nurse and a part-time teacher at the C.K. Burns School for gifted and talented students.

An additional state subsidy of $197,000 allows the district to pay back the city of Saco for debt incurred during the RSU withdrawal process and increase the contingency fund. Some costs could not be ignored, including a $40,000 payment to RSU 23 to help set up a new central office in Old Orchard Beach, and startup costs to hire a superintendent and budget director, negotiate contracts and develop a budget.