Lyman Moore pair organize walk/run for heart cause

What started out as a class project for two seventh-graders at Lyman Moore Middle School grew into the first-ever HyperHeart 5K Walk/Race to raise awareness and funds for research of and testing for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, or HCM.

Lauren Paradise and Karina Boothe raised $1,600 for the American Heart Association with their May 31 event, which attracted 60 participants and volunteers. HCM is a rare heart disorder that is often not discovered until after a person passes away.

Because both girls have had relatives touched by HCM, they worked together on a class project focusing on this disease. Their enthusiasm led them to organize the race

The girls said organizing the walk/race was a lot of work but a good experience.



Thirteen Girl Scouts earn Silver Award for leadership

Girl Scouts of Maine has recognized 13 Girl Scouts with Silver Awards for projects they completed this year that reflected their leadership and citizenship skills. Those accomplishments were recognized at the council’s annual meeting and awards ceremony at the Augusta Civic Center.

This year’s Girl Scouts of Maine Silver Award recipients are Jessica Brown of Portland, Jillian Brown of North Yarmouth, Katie Fleming of York, Alexandrea Hanscom Willey of Roque Bluffs, Sarah Harvey of Waldoboro, Sara Johnson of Northfield, Alexis Pickens of Topsham, and Kelsey Currier, Becca Hamlen, Kathryn Landry, Erin O’Donovan, Hannah Smith-Erb and Natalie Swisher, all of Cumberland,

The Girl Scout Silver Award is the highest award a Girl Scout in grades 6 to 8 can earn.