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Big county, big wind potential

' + 'Spurred by utility contracts in southern New England and new turbine technology, wind power developers have set their sights on Aroostook County. ' + 'They are planning transmission lines that would finally connect the county to the New England grid. Work is set to begin this fall on a 150 megawatt ' + 'project in Oakfield. Near Bridgewater, plans are being made for a wind farm with 250 megawatts of capacity, the largest in the region. Companies say the ' + "county’s" + ' open spaces and small ridges hold the potential for more large projects in the future.

' + '

The map below shows Maine' + "'" + 's existing utility-scale wind power generators in gray, and the two proposed Aroostook County '+ 'projects in red. Circle sizes are proportional to the capacity of each wind farm. Click each circle for additional details.


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