Valentine card making workshop to be held
A Valentine card making workshop will be held at 7 p.m. Thursday at Vose Library, 392 Common Road. Paper, patterns and instructions will be provided. The session is open, free of charge, to all ages. For more details, call 785-4733.
Historical Society to hold ‘Then and Now’ presentation
The Scarborough Historical Society will meet at 7:30 p.m. Thursday for a brief business meeting and a “Then and Now” presentation on area buildings, some no longer standing.
The meeting will be held at the society’s museum and meeting room at 647 Route 1, adjacent to the Dunstan Fire Station.
All monthly meetings are free to the public; however, donations are welcomed.
‘Keep Neighbors Warm’ rally to be held at fire station
A rally to benefit the “Keep Our Neighbors Warm” project will be held from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday at Oak Hill Fire Station on Route 1.
The event will include free activities for the whole family, including tours of the firehouse and police and fire vehicles, a bake sale, door prizes, tips on emergency preparedness and home weatherization.
Enjoy story time for little ones, displays on how animals adapt to winter, learning about the town’s history and more.
For more details, call 883-5111, email pgme@projectgracemaine.org or go to www.projectgracemaine.org.
First Fridays to present Windy Ridge Band, dinner
Freeport First Fridays presents bluegrass by The Windy Ridge Band at 6 p.m. Friday at the Freeport Community Center, 53 Depot St.
The Brunswick-based band has been playing bluegrass music at festivals, coffeehouses, restaurants, civic clubs, parades, weddings, private parties and even a rodeo since the band was established in 1989.
The concert will be followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets are $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Seating is limited. For reservations, call Kim Hudak at 865-3985 Ext. 202.
Heart, vascular institute to offer blood pressure testing
The Central Maine Heart and Vascular Institute will sponsor a bake sale and free blood pressure screenings as part of its observation of American Heart Month.
The bake sale will be held on “Go Red for Women Day,” from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday in the Central Maine Medical Center main lobby at 60 High St. Proceeds will benefit the Central Maine Heart Walk.
Additional blood pressure screenings will be offered from 1 to 4 p.m. on Feb. 21 at the Central Maine Heart Associates offices on the ground floor of the 60 High St. building.
The Central Maine Medical Center Health and Fitness Center offers free blood pressure screenings every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.
For more details, go to www.cmmc.org.
Skyline Farm to hold its 15th annual Sleigh Day
Skyline Farm will hold its 15th annual Sleigh Day from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, in conjunction with Skyline Farm Carriage Museum’s new exhibit, “Rhythm of Winter,” which is showcasing sleigh-themed sheet music brought to life by period music and vintage sleighs.
Horses and drivers will demonstrate their skills in the outdoor arena at 1 p.m., followed by a dog-sledding presentation by Heather Phinney of Stillbrook Acres in Gray at 2 p.m. and a guided tour of Skyline’s trails.
Starting at noon, hot refreshments will be sold in the heated Visitor Center.
Admission is $8 per person or $25 per family, and includes a sleigh ride from J. L. Gray Draft Horses of Monmouth.
The event is free for Skyline Farm members, sleigh drivers, and children younger than 6.
The museum exhibit is also open Sundays, Feb. 9 through March 30, from 1-4 p.m. or by appointment. For more details, call Pam at 829-5708 or info@skylinefarm.org.
Skyline Farm, a nonprofit organization, is located at 95 The Lane, North Yarmouth, and www.skylinefarm.org.
Raymond Village Library Game Day returns Sunday
Game Day returns to the Raymond Village Library from 1 to 3 p.m. Sunday at 3 Meadow Road.
This is a special time for students, age 8 and older, to come and play their favorite games with others. Attendees are invited to bring their own games.
There is no registration required. Refreshments and prizes will be offered. For more details, call the library at 655-4283.
Cancer Society Relay for Life kicks off 2014 campaign
The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of York County will officially kick off its 2014 campaign at 6 p.m. Tuesday at the Wells Junior High School cafeteria.
Cancer survivors, caregivers, families, schools, companies, faith-based and civic organizations will gather to launch fundraising efforts for the year.
All attendees are welcome but not required to bring their favorite dish to the event. Snow date for this event is Feb.11.
The 2014 Relay For Life of York County is scheduled for June 21. At Relay, teams of people camp out at a local school, park, or fairground and take turns walking or running around a track or path.
Each team is asked to have a representative on the track at all times during the event.
Because cancer never sleeps, Relays are overnight events. Teams do most of their fundraising prior to the event, but some teams also hold creative fundraisers at their camp sites during Relay.
Anyone interested in forming a team, volunteering for the event or joining the planning committee should go to www.relayforlife.org/yorkme or call (800) 227-2345.
PORTLANDCollege planning workshop to be held at education center
The Maine Educational Opportunity Center will host several free workshops entitled “Essentials of College Planning” for adults ages 19 and older at the following times and locations: 10 a.m. Tuesdays, Feb. 4, 11, 18 and 25 at CareerCenter, 185 Lancaster Street.; and at 10 a.m. Wednesdays Feb. 5 and 19 at Portland Adult Education, 14 Locust St.
To register or for more details, call (800) 281-3703 or go to meoc.maine.edu.
Teen Center at library to host ‘The Drawing Club’
The Teen Center at Portland Public Library is hosting “The Drawing Club “ from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Wednesdays through Feb. 26 at 5 Monument Square for those who like to draw using pencil, pen and ink.
Drawing will be from life using models and still life arrangements. Visiting artists will also explain how they work and demonstrate some of their techniques. Attendees will develop a portfolio of artwork. Supplies will be provided.
For more details, call Dave Kiersh at 871-1700 Ext 772 or email kiersh@portland.lib.me.
Elizabeth Lydia Bodner to discuss her writing, sign books
Local author Elizabeth Lydia Bodner will visit the Kennebunk Free Library at 11 a.m. Saturday to discuss her writing and sign copies of her newest book, “Seven Women in Maine.”
Bodner, a resident of Kennebunk since 1999, is a freelance writer and author of three books, including “Uncompromising: Family Style,” and “Equilibrium.”
“Seven Women in Maine” follows a fictional couple as they travel around the country and seven women they meet upon arriving in Maine. Copies of the book will be available to purchase at the reading.
Coffee and light refreshments will be served. Snow date is Feb. 22. Cancellations will be posted on the library website at www.kennebunklibrary.org before 9 a.m. For more details, call 985-2173
SACOKiwanis to sponsor family Valentine’s dance Saturday
The Saco River Valley Kiwanis Club will sponsor a family Valentine’s dance from 6 to 10 p.m. Saturday at the Elk’s Lodge at 68 Ocean Park Road. The event is open to all ages and will feature a DJ, karaoke and refreshments. Cost is $10 per person or $25 for a family.
A food and bake sale will be held in conjunction with the dance as well as a raffle.
11th annual extravaganza to feature all things chocolate
The 11th annual Chocolate Extravaganza will be held from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday at the Kennebunk Town Hall. This event is free to the public, with Maine businesses giving out free chocolates.
In the past, participating businesses featured a car covered in chocolate, a person dipped in chocolate, a 10-foot white chocolate lighthouse, a 5-foot chocolate sand castle and a 10-foot chocolate lobster. This year’s centerpiece will be an 8-foot chocolate heart.
Beauty queens from across New England will converge to give out chocolate kisses to the public. The event also will include music, door prizes and an appearance by the Sugar Plump Fairies.
For more details, email Danie Connolly at danie.connolly@yahoo.com.
Land Trust schedules trek across Orris Falls marsh
Great Works Regional Land Trust will sponsor a trek across the beaver marsh of Orris Falls conservation area from 10 a.m. to noon Saturday.
When frozen solid, the landscape offers hikers open views that are obscured in warmer weather.
As time and interest allow, the excursion may extend to Balancing Rock and Tatnic Ledges.
Board president Tin Smith of Wells will lead. All hikes are open to the public and free to Land Trust members.
A $5 donation per person or $10 donation per family is suggested for non-members. Space on hikes is limited to 25 people so reservations are required. Please call 646-3604 or email info@gwrlt.org to reserve your place.
Anyone interested in joining any of these hikes is encouraged to visit the website at www.gwrlt.org.
History Center hosts talk on fishermen’s group concerns
The Yarmouth History Center will host a talk with Ben Martens, of the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association, at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Yarmouth History Center at 118 East Elm St. Martens will discuss the recent closing of the Gulf of Maine shrimping season and other concerns that the Association is working on. A question and answer session will follow.
Martens is the executive director of the fishermen-led nonprofit organization that identifies ways to restore the fisheries of the Gulf of Maine.
This talk is $3 for members and $5 for non-members. For more details, call 846-6259 or go to yarmouthmehistory.org.
Improvement Society hosts library renovation program
The Yarmouth Village Improvement Society is hosting a program about the library renovation project with speaker librarian Heidi Grimm at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Town Hall. Refreshments will be served. The talk is free and open to the public. For more details, call Christie Harriman 831-1135.
WinterFest starts Friday with weekend-long events
The City’s WinterFest 2014 events will be held Friday through Sunday in the City Square area off Main Street.
The weekend begins with a Biddeford Big Air competition at 6 p.m. Friday, where skiers and riders from all over New England compete in a Big Air and Rail Jam contest and a chance at $2,000 in prizes.
A drop-in tower more than three stories high will be built right in City Square, where viewers will be able to watch thrilling mid-air tricks. For more details, go to www.biddefordbigair.com.
Also Friday, folk musician Dave Mallet will perform at City Theater. Tickets can be purchased online or at the City Theater box office for $15.
On Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., there will be activities for the whole family in City Square including snowshoeing, snow volleyball, kid’s games and sliding on Adams Street, and a rail demo and rail clinic. Saturday night, City Theater will welcome festival goers inside once again for comedian Juston McKinney at 8 p.m. Tickets are $19.50.
There will be free skating at WestBrook Skating Rink on Sunday and the 50’s Club will sponsor a bingo and a pie baking contest.
A film about the French-Canadian migration to Chrisholm, entitled, “Down by the River’s Edge,” will be shown at 3 p.m. at McArthur Library
For more details, go to www.heartofbiddeford.org or call Heart of Biddeford at 284-8520.
Prince Memorial Library schedules several events
Prince Memorial Library will host a number of community activities this week at 266 Main St. On Thursday, local artist Carolyn Currie will perform from 6 to 8 p.m.. Romance writer Katie Larsen will speak at 7 p.m. Refreshments will be served for both events.
On Saturday, members of the Greely French Club will present French at a session of “French Story Times,” to be held at 10 a.m. For more details, call the library at 829-2215.
Send questions/comments to the editors.