Summer Benefit Concert Series, Dave Shaffer, proceeds benefit local charities, Thornton Heights United Methodist Church, South Portland. $5. www.thorntonheightsumc.com. 7 p.m. Thursday.


Seth Casteel, photographer and author of “Underwater Dogs,” Planet Dog Company Store, Portland. planetdog.com. 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday.

Linda Snowe McLoon, author of “Crown Prince” and “Crown Prince Challenged,” Portland Public Library. portlandlibrary.com. Noon Friday.

George Daughan and Vice Adm. (Ret.) George Emery, authors of “1812: The Navy’s War” and “In Their Own Words: The Navy Fights the War of 1812,” Maine Historical Society, Portland. mainehistory.org. Noon Tuesday.


Monica Wood, author of “When We Were the Kennedys,” Topsham Public Library. topshamlibrary.org. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday.


Folk Dance Brunswick, world music and dance from the Balkans, Israel, northern Europe and around the globe, many dances taught, no partner needed, People Plus, Brunswick. $8, $5 students and seniors. 200-7577. 6:30 to 9 p.m. Friday.


Windsor Fair, agricultural exhibits, arts and crafts, midway, pulling events, harness racing and more, Windsor Fairgrounds. www.windsorfair.com. Thursday to Monday.

Blue Hill Fair, midway rides, food vendors, musical entertainment, racing, pulling events and more, Blue Hill Fairgrounds. www.bluehillfair.com. Thursday to Monday.


The Bluegrass Special, Gibson Brothers, Bobby Osborne and his Rocky Top Express, Steep Canyon Rangers, Della Mae and many others, Thomas Point Beach, Brunswick. $35 to $50. www.thomaspointbeach.com. Thursday to Sunday.

Springfield Fair, stage shows, animal pulling events, antique autos, midway and livestock exhibits, Springfield Fairgrounds. www. thespringfieldfair.com. Friday to Monday.

Harmony Free Fair, rides, crafts, food, animals, fireworks on Sunday, Harmony Fairgrounds. www.harmonyfreefair.org. Friday to Monday.

Third Annual Portland Brew Festival, brews, meads and ales from around New England, Portland Company Complex, Portland. $35, $5 tickets for no-alcohol designated drivers. portlandbrewfestival.com. 5:30 to 9 p.m. Friday, 12:30 to 4 p.m. and 5:30 to 9 p.m. Saturday.

Summer Family Carnival, vendors, crafts, artists, entertainment, food, games and much more, fundraiser for Schoolhouse Arts, Schoolhouse Arts Center, Standish. Free admission. schoolhousearts.org. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.

Capriccio, two-week festival of the arts with music, lectures, readings, performances and several special events, various locations, Ogunquit. ogunquit.org. Monday and Tuesday. Through Sept. 14.


Clinton Lions Fair, midway, woodsman’s day, animal pulling events, exhibits and stage entertainment, Clinton Fairgrounds. www.clintonlionsfair.com. Sept. 5.

International Seaplane Fly-In, float plane competitions, educational exhibits, craft fair, food and more, Moosehead Lake, Greenville. www.seaplanefly-in.org. Sept. 5.


2013 POV Summer Documentary Series, “Ping Pong,” Portland Public Library, Rines Auditorium. Free. portlandlibrary.com. 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Through Sept. 26.

“The Big Easy Express,” indie concert documentary, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, Old Crow Medicine Show and Mumford & Sons, Rockland Public Library. 594-0310. 6:30 p.m. Thursday.

Summer Film Series, “Django Unchained” (R), York Public Library. www.york.lib.me.us. 7 p.m. Sunday.


“Sign Painters,” documentary about the sign-making industry, post film Q&A with director Faythe Levine, Space, Portland. $8. space538.org. 7:30 p.m. Sept. 5.

2013 POV Summer Documentary Series, “56 Up,” Portland Public Library, Rines Auditorium. Free. portlandlibrary.com. 7:30 p.m. Sept. 5. Through Sept. 26.


Summer Silent Film Series with Live Music from Jeff Rapsis, Harold Lloyd “Grandma’s Boy” (1922), Leavitt Theatre, Ogunquit. $10. leavittheatre.com. 8 p.m. Thursday. Through Oct. 26.

The Moscow Magic & Comedy Show, stars Vladimir Zinczenko. Illusions, comedy, juggling and more, The Freeport Theater of Awesome, Freeport. $22. awesometheater.com. 7:30 p.m. Thursday.

“Millay in Love,” with poets Christian Barter, Carol Bachofner, Eve Forti, Bruce Pratt and Wendy Rappaport, celebrating poet Edna St. Vincent Millay, Whitehall Inn, Camden. Free. whitehall-inn.com. 7 p.m. Thursday.


Camden Windjammer Festival, Maritime Heritage Fair, boat race and parade, Sea Dog show, pirates and more, Camden Harbor. camdenwindjammerfestival.com. 9 a.m. Friday to Sunday.

AudioBody, inventive multimedia comedy show, The Freeport Theater of Awesome, Freeport. $10 to $25. awesometheater.com.7:30 p.m. Friday, 2 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday.

John Ford: Local Hero, a talk by Kevin Stoehr, panel discussion, film excerpts and more, in honor of the 40th anniversary of the director’s death, Maine Irish Heritage Center, Portland. $5. maineirish.com. 7 p.m. Friday.

“Maine Rebels Attack” Train Robbery, re-enactors will be at the railroad to re-create a Civil War-era train robbery for visitors, Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad and Museum, Portland. $10, $9 seniors, $6 for kids 3 to 12 years old. mainenarrowgauge.org. 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday.

Wagon Ride to the Past History Tours, Wolfe’s Neck Farm, Freeport. $14, $8 for kids 3 to 12, 2 and under free. wolfesneckfarm.org. 10 a.m. to Noon Saturday.

Eastern Cemetery Tours, guided walking tour with history of those buried, history of the grounds and the types of stones, Eastern Cemetery, Portland. $7, $4 seniors and students, kids under 12 free. spiritsalive.org. 10:30 a.m. Saturday, 1:30 p.m. Sunday and Wednesday. Through Oct. 13.

Vintage Motorcycle Meet and Antique Aeroplane Show, Owls Head Transportation Museum. $12, free for under 18. ohtm.org. 9 a.m. Saturday and Sunday.

Tate House Architectural Tour, 90-minute tours, architectural tour from the cellar to the attic to reveal the “skeleton” of an 18th-century timber frame house, Tate House Museum, Portland. $12, $10 seniors, $6 for 6 to 12 years. 774-6177. 10 and 11:30 a.m. Sept. 5. Through Oct. 3.

Cruise & Lighthouse Visit: Beacons of Boothbay, view three or more other lighthouses during 5-hour cruise, Maine Maritime Museum, Bath. $45, $25 for ages 6 to 16. mainemaritimemuseum.org. 2:30 p.m. Sept. 5.

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