Time Warner Cable Internet service customers in Maine – and across the nation – will see their modem fees increase from $3.95 to $5.99 a month beginning with their August bills.

The increase was announced earlier this week. The fees are being “adjusted” as Time Warner upgrades equipment and tries to “ensure optimal performance for our customers,” said Scott Pryzwansky, director of public relations for Time Warner.

Pryzwansky said customers in Maine were notified of the coming increase by email, postcards and in their bills. The increase will be part of customers’ bills beginning around Aug. 19, Pryzwansky said.

Time Warner irked customers in Maine and nationally last November when it began charging $3.95 a month for modems people had already been using, without a specific additional charge.

The modem fees prompted two class-action lawsuits in New York and New Jersey, claiming the increases violated Time Warner’s contracts with customers.

Time Warner customers can opt out of using the company’s modem and modem fees. A list of approved modems that customers can buy is available at www.twc.com/approveddevices.

This story will be updated.