Solving problems

In the wake of the RSU 5 high school renovation bond vote, I would like to ask our communities to step back for a moment and offer thanks to two groups of people.

The first is the teachers and staff at the high school. It is their hard work, big hearts and dedication that ensures the quality experience that our children get. Every student at the high school has the opportunity to learn at a high level, join a variety of sports teams, participate in studio and performing arts, and engage in community service. The heartbeat of our schools is our teachers and staff, and we need to let them know.

The second group is the parents who initially volunteered to spruce up the high school, found that the problems were more than skin deep, and did the research that became the renovation proposal. Regardless of how each of us voted, we are now informed about the situation. It is up to our communities to come together to figure out how to address the issues that no longer lurk hidden under a fresh coat of paint. Perhaps we can bring new energy to the task, and find a cost-effective way to solve the high school’s safety, energy and crowding issues.

We are three communities of people who know and care about each other. This is our strength. Let’s thank those who have given so much of themselves for our children, and move ahead together.

Libby Moore
