
and purpose

Maine needs leaders of principle and purpose to represent us in our Legislature. When I look at a candidate who will represent me, I always look at their background and take an assessment of what they have already accomplished in their private and professional lives to know how capable they will be as my representative.

Ruth Summers is a woman who is already comfortable with leadership roles as when she served as a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Naval Reserve with various important duties in the United States and Southeast Asia. As a resident of Scarborough, Ruth is now a mom and a small business owner and has been actively involved in education in leadership roles as an executive director and president.

Where are voters in Senate District 6; Gorham, Scarborough and Westbrook going to find a more qualified candidate to serve us in the Senate? I am very proud to give Ruth my support and encourage other voters to support her candidacy also.

Carolyn M. Gilman


Former state senator


Resist negativity

I support the re-election of Jane Knapp. I am disappointed that negative campaigning is now at the local level.

Why is it necessary to attack a person running for public office?? Why tear down a woman who has served the town of Gorham with best intentions in her many positions of responsibility.

Jane Knapp would be responsive to any questions about her voting record. Ask her why she voted for or against any bill in Augusta. Communicate with her directly.


My father always said, “If you can’t say anything nice about someone, don’t say anything at all.”

I suggest that letter writers promote their candidate and resist negative campaigning

Kenneth Curtis
