“The Path of Compassion and Wisdom: Finding a Happy and Meaningful Life,” 2 to 3 p.m., talk by American Buddhist monk Kelsang Pawo. The program is free and will be held at One Longfellow Square, Portland. All are welcome. Doors open at 1:30 p.m. For more information, call 508-979-8277 or visit
Pastor Thomas Peetz, New England regional director of Christians United for Israel, will attend Sabbath services and speak with congregants after the services, which conclude about 11:30 a.m. Peetz, who is spiritual leader of Word of Life, a non-denominational family church in Concord, N.H., annually leads a delegation of Christians and Jews to Washington, D.C. Those who support Israel are welcome to attend the reception. Congregation Shaarey Tphiloh, 76 Noyes St., Portland. Visit for more information.
Beach baptism and Eucharist, 9:30 a.m., St. Nicholas Episcopal Church’s annual service at Ferry Beach in Scarborough. Parking is free for the service and visitors are welcome.
Blue Mass, 10 a.m., seventh annual service honoring Maine’s law enforcement, fire and emergency personnel. Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul, Lewiston. A reception will follow in the parish hall.
Centennial celebration, 2 to 4 p.m., Portland Chapter of Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, 100th anniversary at Maine Jewish Museum/Etz Chaim Synagogue, 267 Congress St., Portland. New members and donations are welcome.
Sharon, Mass., concert band, 3:30 to 5 p.m., outdoor performance presented by First Congregational Church of Kennebunkport and held at the Consolidated School. Bring lawn chairs or blankets. The rain location will be in the school gym. Donations to the Wounded Warrior Project will be accepted as admission and active duty military attend free. For more information, visit
Connected Catholics of Maine, starting at 5 p.m. with potluck supper followed by business meeting and discussion and planning session. Holy Martyrs Parish Hall, Route 88, Falmouth.
Cancer and Spirituality, 6 to 7:30 p.m. monthly interfaith support group held on the second Thursday at Cancer Community Center, 778 Main St., South Portland. For details, contact Jani Darak-Druck 774-2200 or
The Invisible War, 6:30 to 9 p.m., free screening of the documentary film that investigates both male and female rape and sexual assaults in the military. After the screening, a videotaped statement by Maine Sen. Susan Collins and Lt. Col. Terry Moore, USAF (Ret) will open a discussion about the film. Staff from Rep. Chellie Pingree’s office will take questions. The screening and discussion will be held at Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church, 524 Allen Ave., Portland. For more information, contact Penny McAuley at or call 878-9414.
My Sister’s Keeper will hold a training session for interested mentors and community volunteers from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Cape Elizabeth United Methodist Church, Route 77, Cape Elizabeth. The program provides support for women transitioning from incarceration into the community. To register or for details, contact Kelly Dell’Aquila, director of services, My Sister’s Keeper at 712-5962.
Pro-Life, Pro-Family Brunch, 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., Pro-Life Education Association’s annual event with keynote speaker Paul Rondeau, executive director of American Life League. The event will be held at the Senator Inn in Augusta and the cost is $15 per person. For reservations, call Pat Truman at 622-6772.
Studio sale, 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., with art, furniture, ceramics and tools, to benefit the South Freeport Congregational Church Bell Tower Restoration Project. Signs on South Freeport Road will provide directions.
Bangor Theological Seminary opening convocation and installation of the Rev. Dr. Robert Grove-Markwood as the 11th president of the seminary, 10:30 a.m. at the First Congregational Church, 7 Eustis Parkway, Waterville. Speaker will be the Rev. Dr. Nick Carter, president of Andover Newton Theological School.
“Defending Marriage in the Public Square,” a series of statewide meetings being held by the Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland. The first is today and the full schedule is included below. All events are open to the public and will include a talk and a question and answer panel discussion. Bishop Richard Malone’s pastoral letter on marriage can be found at The sessions are based on his letter.
The schedule is:
5 p.m. Saturday at Our Lady of Good Hope, 7 Union St., Camden;
9:30 a.m. Sunday at Knights of Columbus Hall. 5 Gilman Falls Road, Old Town;
5 p.m. Sunday at Notre Dame, 116 Silver St., Waterville;
6 p.m. Friday at Holy Rosary Church, 34 Vaughn St., Caribou;
5:30 p.m. Oct. 20 at St. Maximilian Kolbe, 150 Black Point Road, Scarborough;
5 p.m. Oct. 21 at St. Martha, 34 Portland Road, Kennebunk;
5:30 p.m. Oct. 27 at Knights of Columbus Hall at 109 Spring St., Gardiner;
Noon Oct. 28 at St. Philip, 2365 Turner Road, Auburn
5 p.m. Oct. 28 at St. Christopher, 4 Barrell Lane, York.
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