Water temperatures remain warm, but fishing action still can be had around the state.

Might as well find where the fish are biting before the action picks up. The season will be over before you know it.


Rainbow trout have improved in some spots, such as Norway Lake in Norway, said regional fisheries biologist Francis Brautigam.

And salmon fishing is proving better than usual, Brautigam said, directing fishermen to Sebago, Thompson and Auburn lakes.

“Salmon are running anywhere from 15 to 30 feet down. Some guys are having pretty good success using a sinking fly line. Some are trolling successfully with streamers,” Brautigam said.


Anglers should be mindful that except for a few exceptions, fishing in streams and rivers ends at the end of September.


The brown trout in Flying Pond in Vienna, just south of New Sharon, look “absolutely phenomenal,” said regional biologist Jason Seiders.

“The fish are up to 5 pounds and even the shorter fish were huge. They’re very robust,” Seiders said.

The smallies in the pond don’t look bad either, he said.



It’s perch season along the coast and as typically occurs in the region this time of year, perch are schooling and stacking up in ponds. Anglers should look for the activity now, knowing where they find one perch there are likely many others eager to feed, said regional biologist Greg Burr.


Boat launches are going in along the Sandy River in Farmington and New Sharon, said regional fisheries biologist Bobby Van Riper.

That will add up to another good float trip.

“I’d like to see better utilization of that reach of river,” Van Riper said. “Road-wise that stretch is 3 to 4 miles, but on the river it’s 7 miles. Now you have the option to put in at Phillips and float all the way to New Sharon.”



This spring, The Nature Conservancy transferred the property it owns on the south side of the Moose River in Rockwood to the Natural Resource Education Center at Moosehead so that a local nonprofit could look after the site. The property was donated to the Conservancy in 1976 by the Eagle family, to ensure the river frontage property would remain wild.

Regional fisheries biologist Tim Obrey said that while the property will be used for educational, charitable, recreational and scientific purposes, it also will remain open to the public and anglers.


State biologists’ summer work in Baxter State Park wrapped up last week with positive trout surveys at Deep, Long and Bell ponds.

“All is well in the park, as always,” said state fisheries biologist Nels Kramer.

Staff Writer Deirdre Fleming can be contacted at 791-6452 or at: dfleming@pressherald.com