Free nature programs

Visitors to Wolfe’s Neck Woods State Park in Freeport can take advantage of daily, guided nature programs that are offered by park rangers free with park admission.

The programs start at 2 p.m., weather permitting, and participants meet at the benches by the second parking lot.

Park admission is $1 for ages 5-11, $3 for Maine residents ages 12-64, $4.50 for non-residents ages 12-64, $1.50 for non-residents 65 and older; children under 5 and Maine residents 65 and older are free. Daily programs run through Labor Day.

Upcoming programs include: “Stroll with the Ranger,” Wednesday, Aug. 15, take a relaxed tour on a wheelchair-accessible path; “Drawing from Nature,” Thursday, Aug. 16, visitors will use drawing and art as a way to get up close and personal with the wildlife in the park. Drawing materials will be provided, visitors are invited to bring their own if they prefer; “Stories in Stone,” Friday, Aug. 17, get to know the story of Maine’s rockbound coast on this walk with talks and activities; “Wild Relatives,” Saturday, Aug. 18, get acquainted with the wild relatives of things in and around your home on this tour; “Osprey Watch,” Sunday, Aug. 19 and Tuesday, Aug. 21, get a close look at the nesting ospreys opposite Googins Island any time from 2-3 p.m.; “Tree Hunt,” Monday, Aug. 20, get your papers for this fun, self-guiding hunt, and then come back afterward to see how well you did; “Hike with the Ranger,” Wednesday, Aug. 22, enjoy the best that the park has to offer in this season with a knowledgeable guide.

For more information on the park or the daily programs, call 865-4465, or visit


Flag Ladies set ‘time to remember’

The Freeport Flag Ladies are asking all residents to join them on Friday, Sept. 14, from 7-8 p.m. as they hold “a time to remember” on Freeport’s Main Street.

The flag ladies are inviting people to line Main Street from School Street to West Street, where Freeport’s memorial to 9/11, containing steel from the World Trade Center’s twin towers, stands.

Residents are asked to bring candles or lights and stand in honor of the lives lost on Sept.11, 2001, as well as the lives lost in Iraq and Afghanistan and the many other wounded warriors so that they and their families might know we have not forgotten.

Architecture camp in Freeport

Regional School Unit 5 Recreation and Community Education is holding a camp for kids in grades 5-8 who are interested in learning architecture. The camp runs daily from Aug. 20-24 from 9 a.m.-noon at Freeport High School.

This camp will give participants the opportunity to use their imagination to design their dream home and see it come to life. Campers will create an original home design using Google Sketchup, a 3D modeling program. Campers will then create a 3D tour of their house to show off to all. Participants should pack a snack.

The cost is $100 for residents and $110 for non-residents. For more information, or to sign up, visit