Vermont gubernatorial candidate Randy Brock is getting blasted for inviting a special guest to his July 18 fundraiser: Gov. Paul LePage. 

Brock, who is also a state senator, was the target of scathing press release from the Vermont Democratic Party, according to news reports. The release said the LePage invitation foreshadowed the kind of policies Brock would install if elected governor. 

From the release, “By inviting LePage to Vermont, Randy Brock confirms his allegiance to a radically conservative Republican agenda.”

The release also makes mention of Tarren Bragdon, the former CEO of the Maine Heritage Policy Center, a conservative advocacy group. Bragdon is the CEO of a similar organization in Florida. He was invited to Vermont to consult Brock on potential reforms to health insurance laws.

Vermont last year inched closer to a single-payer system, a system directly at odds with the free market policies Bragdon advanced in Maine with Law PL 90, formerly known as LD 1333, a law that repealed and rewrote Maine’s old insurance laws.

The release described the law as a "remarkably regressive healthcare proposal, designed by Tarren Bragdon … that rolled back coverage and accessibility for Maine’s elderly and rural populations, as well as people with pre-existing conditions and small businesses.”

Brock and the GOP defended LePage’s appearance, telling the site VTDigger that the Democratic release was filled with "misinformation" and "innuendo."

The Vermont GOP responded with its own release that read, “Correction: Randy Brock invites a Reform Minded Governor to Vermont who has put his state back on a path to prosperity.”