“BETWEEN THE MEADOWS,” a 1975 oil-on-canvas painting by Joseph Fiore, is among the items available for bid through May 19 during Heartwood Theater’s silent auction at Skidompha Library in Damariscotta.

“BETWEEN THE MEADOWS,” a 1975 oil-on-canvas painting by Joseph Fiore, is among the items available for bid through May 19 during Heartwood Theater’s silent auction at Skidompha Library in Damariscotta.

DAMARISCOTTA — Paintings, sculptures, boat trips, dinners, jewelry, theater tickets, garden items and pet supplies are among the items up for bid in Heartwood Theater’s silent auction, which runs through May 19 Skidompha Public Library.

Joseph Fiore and John Whalley are among 10 Midcoast artists to be featured in the auction, along with a gift certificate for art conservator services by Terry Marsh. Jewelry from Stars, Peapod Jewelry, Darling & Delisle and Ellen Whalley also are available for bid.

Items and bid sheets will be on display in Skidompha’s atrium at 184 Main St. A complete list of auction items (with photos of many) is available on Heartwood’s website at www.heartwoodtheater.org.

Absentee bidding is welcome through May 18, by phoning Heartwood at 563- 1373.

Proceeds from the auction benefit the theater company. Bidding ends at noon May 19.

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