OFFICIALS WITH ETTI receive an award from insurance representatives marking the safety milestone. Shown are, from left, Scott Kelly, president/owner of ETTI; Jay Hurin of Travelers Insurance; Mike Bilodeau of Bilodeau Insurance; and Michelle Hoffman, CFO/office manager of ETTI.

OFFICIALS WITH ETTI receive an award from insurance representatives marking the safety milestone. Shown are, from left, Scott Kelly, president/owner of ETTI; Jay Hurin of Travelers Insurance; Mike Bilodeau of Bilodeau Insurance; and Michelle Hoffman, CFO/office manager of ETTI.

LISBON — Enterprise Trenchless Technologies, Inc. (ETTI), a directional drilling company based out of Lisbon Falls, recently surpassed the quarter-million-hour mark for hours worked without a loss time injury.

According to a news release, the milestone was reached on March 22, spanning over an eight-year period, starting in 2003.

ETTI has also been recognized by the Maine chapter of the Associated General Contractors for its outstanding safety record.

ETTI has grown from a team of less than 10 to now more than 20. ETTI works throughout the New England region and New York, performing construction activities that include the following: horizontal directional drilling, water and sewer line installations, and natural gas service and main line installations.

The company safety officers are Ryan Dionne, Travis Merrill and Nick Frost.

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