The Coast Guard will establish two temporary security zones today on a portion of the Fore River in Portland and at Simonton Cove in South Portland to protect President Obama while he’s here for two campaign fundraisers.

The Coast Guard will be monitoring the zones from 3 to 10 p.m., according to the agency’s local notice to mariners.

Unauthorized vessels will be banned from entering the restricted areas when the president, members of his official party and other senior government officials are scheduled to be nearby.

Fundraisers are planned at the HUB Athletic Center at Southern Maine Community College, which overlooks Simonton Cove, and the Portland Museum of Art in downtown Portland, which overlooks the Fore River.

Vessel operators who want to enter or operate within the security zones must call 207-767-0303 to get special permission.

The navigation coordinates for each zone are:

Security Zone 1 – The Fore River from the Route 1 / I-295 bridge in position 43°38’45″N, 70°17’27″W, east to a line starting at Union Wharf in position 43°39’10″N, 70°15’06″W, thence south to the Coast Guard Boathouse in position 43°38’47″N, 70°14’53″W.

Security Zone 2 – A 1,000-yard radius around position 43°38’54″N, 70°13’40″W in Simonton Cove in South Portland.