Welcome to the world of politics thanks to Senator Snowe announcing her retirement from Congress.
Here we go, folks, the feeding frenzy by political piranhas at the public trough has begun in Maine. Now we will see every politician who enjoyed living off of your money run for another public office that you will pay for in ways most cannot imagine.
Of course, a seat in the U.S. Senate brings more money and power than any other political office except for the Presidency. What’s nice about winning a Senate seat is that the term of that office is six years instead of two years, as in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Maine Legislature. I will add that doesn’t stop senators from starting their reelection campaign the day after they are elected.
I won’t waste time and space on names but I find it absolutely hilarious on the amount of present and former politicians coming out of the woodwork to suck up another bundle of our tax dollars. Please don’t fret because they are doing that to improve our lives in ways we can’t even imagine because they never seek political office to ensure themselves of a lifetime generous retirement paid for by us taxpayers.
Nor would they bask in glory of the power that they could have over our lives ensuring us of endless benefits like medical care that, in the end, will send us all to the Poor House, shelters in Portland or motels in Windham. And if they promise that they will lower gasoline prices like President Obama claimed (while gas prices since his election soon double), don’t lose any sleep because every politician always delivers what they promise us. I suggest mixing it into your garden to reap the most benefit.
The one thing I can guarantee is that everyone in the printing and media business is licking their chops and dreaming of a really fat bank account when the politicking begins. By the beginning of May there should be more political pollution since Watergate. The only downside is that to make all the campaign signs and literature there may not be any trees left in Maine, New Hampshire or the Socialist Republic of Vermont. And please, Vermont is not a bad place if one only visits, although I have to admit I worked there for a couple of years. No, I take that back. I sat around playing cards and waited for buildings to be built so I could install equipment in them and I’m sorry to report many of you paid for that and I didn’t even have a government job! Thank God for unions.
My suggestion is that strict limits be placed upon money spent for elections and reelections, which obviously are no longer about us.
And next, I must discuss something about the Windham Town Council, which I find highly disgusting. When an elected official either totally disregards the rules and regulations of how government operates or even worse, doesn’t have a clue as to what those regulations are, then it is up to the citizens to correct what is wrong. What Windham does not need is a pharaoh leading our town and our town charter and Robert’s Rules of Order states exactly the same. Looking for even a simpler explanation of the chairperson’s duties, I looked at my copy of “The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Robert’s Rules” which details the most important parts of Robert’s Rules of Order. The president, or chairperson is the facilitator of a meeting, not the dictator. The chair’s duties include presiding over the meeting, calling the meeting to order, announcing the agenda, determining if there is a quorum, processing motions and conducting the meeting in a fair and equitable manner while maintaining neutrality and refraining from making any motions. Do you think that’s happening in Windham?
Watch out Maine and Windham, you might just get what you voted for.
Lane Hiltunen, of Windham, wonders why the town of Windham doesn’t follow its Comprehensive Master Plan and why the police chief doesn’t attend awards ceremonies.
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