Steven Moeckel spent a couple of winter weeks in Helsinki a few years ago. The experience helped him appreciate the music of Finnish composer Jean Sibelius and his influences.

“Just being there and seeing the surroundings, the natural and extreme beauty of the country, I grew to appreciate Sibelius much more. He was a very dark composer,” said Moeckel. “But darkness should never be confused with warmth. There is so much passion and warmth in his music, and gut-wrenching melodies.”

Moeckel will perform as guest violinist with the Portland Symphony Orchestra on Tuesday night at Merrill Auditorium. The program features two Sibelius compositions: a violin concerto with Moeckel as soloist, and the Karelia Suite, which Sibelius wrote as a tribute to his homeland. Also on the program is Anton Dvorak’s Symphony No. 7.

When he hears it now, Sibelius’ music reminds Moeckel of Finland’s “vast snow-covered hills and the dark silhouettes of the trees. You see lakes and ice and everything mirrored on frozen lakes.”

The environment is not unlike what Moeckel will encounter when he arrives in Maine to perform the PSO concert. This will be his first excursion to the Pine Tree State.

“I’ve always wanted to go to Maine, though maybe not in January,” he said. “But it’s perfect for this concert. We’ll all be in the right mood.”


Moeckel lives in Arizona and serves as concertmaster of the Phoenix Symphony. He has performed across the United States and Europe, and has crossed paths with Portland music director Robert Moody many times.

Moody, however, will not conduct Tuesday’s concert. His spot at the podium will be filled by guest conductor Christopher Warren-Green, who is music director of the Charlotte Symphony in North Carolina as well as principal conductor of the London Chamber Orchestra.

Warren-Green is best known for his long history of conducting for the royal family of Great Britain, including the recent wedding of Prince William and Kate Middleton.

Staff Writer Bob Keyes can be reached at:

791-6457 or

Twitter: pphbkeyes


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