Election Day is that chance, once a year, when voters all over the country have the opportunity to head to the polls to decide who will represent them and how their towns, cities and states will be run.

Today is that day.

In Maine, voters across the state will have four important issues before them: Whether to keep same-day voter registration; whether to approve two racinos and a casino in the state; and changes to the process for the state’s congressional and county commissioner districting.

These issues will have long-term impacts on all who reside in and visit this state.

The Journal Tribune Editorial Board has voiced its support for a racino in Biddeford, Question 2 on the state ballot, but doubling the state’s gambling facilities is not a decision to be taken lightly. If all the gambling proposals are passed, including Question 3 to build a casino in Lewiston, the state will end up with two casinos and three racinos ”“ with the possibility of the racinos expanding to casinos in the future.

If voters say “Yes” to Question 1, Maine residents will continue to be able to register and vote on Election Day. If the measure is voted down, all voters will have to register prior to the 48 hours before an election and request an absentee ballot on the Thursday prior to an election.


Question 4 would change the timeline for redistricting, and would move the deadline for those plans back to one year after U.S. Census data is released.

On the local ballots in York County there are school board, council and selectmen’s races, mayoral races, expenditures, and land use and other ordinance changes.

While some people may not care whether a racino is approved in Biddeford or who the mayor in Saco is, all of these ballot questions will have an impact on this state and all of its residents. That is why we urge all of those who have not voted or were not planning on it, to get to their local polling place before 8 p.m. to cast a ballot.

The right to vote is paramount to a democracy, and a principle for which many Americans have fought since this country’s founding. It is a privilege and a right we hope all Mainers will respect and cherish.

Make Election Day count, and let your voices be heard.


Today’s editorial was written by City Editor Robyn Burnham on behalf of the Journal Tribune Editorial Board. Questions? Comments? Contact Managing Editor Kristen Schulze Muszynski by calling 282-1535, Ext. 322, or via e-mail at kristenm@journaltribune.com.

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