Did Maine GOP Chairman Charlie Webster really believe the campaign slogan he coined last year — “Working People Vote Republican”?

Because it would appear he and the rest of the state GOP establishment don’t want working people to vote, period. Why else are they so gung-ho about eliminating same-day voter registration?

His allegations of voter fraud evaporated into thin air after the investigation launched by the secretary of state only proved that Webster was blowing smoke. The myth of overburdened elections workers likewise falls apart when one remembers the Maine town clerks association came out against eliminating same-day voter registration.

Not surprising, considering they’ve dealt with it every election since the early ’70s. In short, there is no reason to eliminate same-day voter registration other than throwing up more road blocks between working Mainers and the polls.

With that in mind, vote “yes” on Question 1 so working people can keep voting, even when they need to register on Election Day.

Patrick Banks



The Voice of the People Sept. 30 (“How to vote on voting?”) addressed varying opinions on the subject of registration on Election Day, commonly called “same-day voter registration.”

I confess to having been ambivalent on this subject up until now, since those registering to vote on Election Day in Maine and then voting on the “same-day” to me seemed to be so few in number that they would have little or no impact on the outcome of any election, no matter how close.

However, I realize now that prohibiting “same-day voter registration” opens the doors to election fraud, disenfranchising voters on Election Day as was the case in Florida in the 2000 presidential election.

Consider the following, first from a news report: “On Nov. 7, 2000, millions of Florida voters arrived at their designated polling places to cast their votes. Unfortunately, countless voters were denied the opportunity to vote because their names did not appear on the lists of registered voters.”

Then, from the Florida Division of Elections: “You can apply to register to vote at any time. However, to vote in an election, you must be registered in the state by the book closing date, which is normally the 29th day before each election.”


Do the research, draw your own conclusions.

Robert J. Seeber


In many of the recent discussions concerning same-day (Election Day) registration here in Maine, there is a fact that is being buried under the headlines of, at best, dubious claims of voter fraud.

Voting is a right. There may not be a greater right then this. The right to have a say in our government; to who our leaders will or will not be; to affirm or demand change in the direction of our country. For all their money and influence, corporations do not have this right.

In 1973, the Republican Party seemingly recognized the importance of the right to vote, and passed a law allowing Election Day registration. In the 2008 election more then 50,000 Mainers registered on Election Day. To put this in perspective, according to recent figures there are 48,437 voters in Portland. Maine was third in the nation for percentage of eligible voter turnout in 2008.


This is something to be proud of, and such a significant right should not be diminished to the slightest extent without a very compelling reason. None of the so-called “proof” put forward to date justifies such a change.

In 23 days, 70,308 Mainers signed a petition saying so. You should vote “yes” on Question 1 this November.

Joe Madore


Secretary of State Charles Summers’ justification (in the Sept. 27 Press Herald) for the bill to curtail same-day registration for voters rings hollow.

One can wonder why the law preceded the facts he presents, since it was passed prior to what he states about supposed voter fraud in Maine. Thus the information he presents is justification for the vindictive law, not the reason for it.


William J. Leffler II


High fuel prices offer reason for dealer fraud

With fuel prices at high levels, it does not surprise me that unscrupulous vendors would try to scam the purchasing public.

By tweaking the gas pump meter just a tiny bit, a significant increase in profit can be had. I believe the Maine DEP or some other similar agency requires meticulous records to be kept at gas stations to determine if storage tanks may be leaking or being subject to theft. The data is all there!

Gas in, gas out, get a discrepancy, enquiring minds can take it from there. It is that simple! With a system of audits, most of the guilty parties could be brought to justice.


The more clever thieves will take bit more investigation. Whether it be cooked books or tampered with inspection seals on the pumps, the evidence is there. Recently the governor hired more fraud investigators for the Department of Human Services. I suggest he do the same for the Bureau of Weights and Measures. Sadly, fraud is much more prevalent than many want to accept.

I believe the costs of hiring extra personnel to pursue fraud will be offset by a significant saving to the public.

Kurt Christiansen


Former skiing magnate odd one to give advice

Les Otten giving economic crisis advice? That’s a stretch (“America must build its way out of this economic crisis,” Sept. 13).


Isn’t he the guy who single-handedly drove American Skiing into bankruptcy, causing many Maine investors to lose their money and employees their jobs? Readers beware, and editors wake up!

Robert P. Russell


Rest of U.S. should copy crackdown in Alabama

I just read about Alabama getting tough on illegals. Well, raise the flag and let’s get the rest of the country to do the same. Maybe this will send them all packing back to where they came from.

Once we are done with this then we can start on all the cheats on Medicaid, both American and foreign.


I could go on forever, but this is a real good start.

Earl Harnden
