WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday night voted to preserve a program offering federal subsidies to airlines for providing service to small airports, including four in Maine.

The 61-38 vote of the full Senate to reject a proposal to eliminate the $200 million Essential Air Service program came the day after the House’s transportation committee voted 34-25 to ax the program.

The overwhelming Senate vote shows it will be difficult to eliminate the program this year, even if the full House approves its measure.

The program supports service to dozens of small and often remote airports nationwide, including in Augusta, Presque Isle, Bar Harbor and Rockland.

In the Senate, GOP Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins of Maine were among those voting to preserve the program. The vote came on an amendment to a broader aviation bill.

“Ending this vital program would have a crippling effect on commerce and commuters and would turn back the clock on economic development in rural regions,” Snowe said in a statement.

Those who oppose the program, including Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., say it is an example of federal spending that the country can’t afford.