Maine appears to be leading the race to name the whoopie pie as its official state dessert.

Our lawmakers have already held a public hearing, and after a work session in the State and Local Government Committee, they will be ready for debate in the full House and Senate and maybe the governor’s signature.

So far the only opposition has come from those who suggest that whoopie pies are bad for you, and a better state dessert would be a pie made from wild blueberries.

We reject this false choice. First of all, blueberries are already the Maine state fruit so they are well represented. And many fine people of our state like to awaken on a summer morning and enjoy a piece of leftover blueberry pie, giving it rightful claim to the now-vacant title of official state breakfast, with only blueberry muffins and pancakes for competition.

Maybe there could be an amendment that would make the whoopie pie the official state snack, leaving options for other sweets to be recognized.

At any rate, all Mainers can be proud to live in a state where the Legislature is so efficient and organized it has time to consider weighty issues like these.