Regarding the Amtrak Downeaster station: It’s time to put Portland’s passenger rail station back where it used to be, at the site near Congress and St. John streets! To place this station on Commercial Street would be a tremendous misuse of funds and effort.

First of all, the track being rebuilt for the Brunswick service is far away from any Commercial Street use and would require a far greater turnaround or backup procedure. To reuse the old Union Station site would require none of that, and there does seem to be land available to the west side that could accommodate parking facilities and a terminal area.

That area is also directly connected to Metro bus routes 1, 3 and 5. A new Union Station could also accommodate any and all intercity buses most conveniently. And though the current station is nice and convenient to I-295, the former Union Station area would also be most opportune for the majority of rail and bus passengers, and car users as well.

This would also allow run-through operation without any backup procedures or additional infrastructure for track. And if you haven’t noticed, all of the Amtrak trains to our area are configured for push-pull operation.

Please consider a new Union Station at Congress and St. John streets.