The guy who is supposed to be explaining Gov. LePage’s actions has a little explaining to do himself.

Communications Director Dan Demeritt has acknowledged that he is the author of a memo that appears to outline plans to use the power of the state government to win the next election for his party. Demeritt has crossed a line here, and he needs to apologize.

Taken in its totality, Demeritt’s memo says nothing more than what we already know about the intersection between campaigning and governing – although it was delivered a lot more bluntly than we are used to seeing it.

Incumbents have access to the government and get credit for the popular things the government does (as well as the blame for the unpopular ones). U.S. Sens. Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins may be fiscal conservatives, but they are not shy about announcing federal spending on projects in Maine on almost a daily basis.

Where Demeritt goes too far, and where we have to question whether the administration he represents is inclined to abuse its power, is in his boast, “Once we take office, Paul (LePage) will put 11,000 bureaucrats to work getting Republicans re-elected.”

No, Mr. Demeritt, he won’t. The “bureaucrats” are on the payroll to do the people’s business, not the governor’s.


If, as Demeritt says, he meant Republicans will get credit for successful policy initiatives, fine.

But if he is suggesting that the taxpayer money collected from all Mainers will be spent to further the goals of one political party, he has entered dangerous territory.

Maybe this time, the governor should explain what his aide really meant, instead of the other way around.