Thumbs up to the newly formed York County Renewable Energy Initiative, which is seeking to spread the word about conservation and help change people’s behaviors. The group is taking a strong approach to their efforts, with hands-on training for solar panel installations and plans to set up a cooperative labor pool for energy efficiency improvements at homes and businesses.

Small steps like these lead to major changes in how we consume energy locally, which can have a significant impact on the environment globally.

Thumbs up to the Law Enforcement Liaison and Education Department of Purdue Pharma, the manufacturer of the addictive painkiller OxyContin. The company recently hosted an educational course for York and Cumberland county police officers to learn more about prescription drug abuse and increase communication about how to prevent related crime. With Maine’s level of painkiller addiction well above the national average, police have had to deal with many drug-related crimes. Educational opportunities like this give them an opportunity to become better informed and to work with the pharmaceutical company to keep the drugs in the right hands.

Thumbs up to the Biddeford City Council for its approval of an addition to Clifford Park, a nature reserve in the heart of the city. Property owner Alfred Boutin deserves the bulk of the praise for his long-term commitment to conservation, passing up offers on the land that would have brought more money. The purchase will add 55 acres to the 90-acre city-owned park at a cost of $290,000. More than half of the cost will be paid with grants and contributions and Open Space Committee Chairman Bill Durkin should be commended for doing the legwork to get the funding in place that quelled the council’s concerns.

Thumbs up to The Ballpark Commission for its successful management of the facility, which was brought back to life in 2009 by the hard work of community volunteers. The New England Collegiate Baseball League team “The Raging Tides” has taken The Ballpark as its home and in 2010, a total of 81 baseball games were played there, according to Dana Furtado, vice chairman of The Ballpark Commission. Furtado said The Ballpark has raised enough money to cover several improvements at the facility, which has certainly become a shining star in the community once again thanks to the hard work of many dedicated people.


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