The Public Utilities Commission should have a straightforward case when deciding whether Central Maine Power can continue with its “smart meter” installation program.

On one hand, the commissioners have information filed by the company that shows the meters, which emit a radio signal that allows them to be read remotely, have not been proven to pose any health or safety danger.

On the other hand, they have speculation from opponents who blame the meters for reported muscle spasms, headaches and insomnia, and unformed suspicions about cancer. They call for a halt to their installation until more research can definitively determine the safety of the devices.

The burden should be on the opponents to show how the radio waves from these meters differs from the slew of electronic devices, from cordless phones to wireless computers, that people use safely on a daily basis.

The smart meters make the electrical transmission system more efficient, controlling electric costs, but only if they are uniformly installed.

They also create an opportunity for individuals to better manage their power use, but again only if they have the technology.

Unless there is some new information, these meters should be allowed to work.