Thumbs down to the tedious process that the Town of Wells is encountering in getting its harbor dredge. The town’s efforts have been years in the making and the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and U.S. Fish and Wildlife want property owners to sign off on wildlife habitat management agreements before the town knows the timetable.

This wasn’t required when the dredge was done 10 years ago and without an OK on the dredge, the town has no idea when it will be able to secure permits and funding for the work ”“ and property owners don’t like signing off on all the unknowns. This has left the town between a rock and hard place. Hopefully, some help from state officials will convince the DEP to loosen up and let the town move forward with this issue.

Thumbs up to Shirley Girard, Debbie L’Heureux and more than 60 others who came together to prepare for and perform at the G.I. Dames USO-style show in Sanford this past weekend. The show, featuring a meal, raffles and dancing to hits from the 1940s and beyond, is an annual event that is free for veterans and their guest. It is a wonderful testament to local patriotism that so many volunteers are willing to donate their time and money to this effort to celebrate those who have served.

Thumbs down to the lack of decorum at the racino forum in Biddeford last Tuesday, when proponents and opponents of the proposed racetrack and casino converged at City Hall. The booing and shouting directed at those who opinions differed was immature and inappropriate. In a democracy, those who fall on both sides of an issue should feel free to express themselves in a clear and respectful manner and be responded to with the same. The racino is clearly an emotional issue for some residents, but those feelings should be directed positively to help others understand their point of view ”“ not directed against the opposition. Let’s not let the racino divide us before we even vote on whether or not it’s coming to town.

Thumbs up to Regional School Unit 21 and all of the taxpayers who participated in the forum last Monday on the district’s renovation plans. The board has done an excellent job of sharing details of the plan with the public and organizing an efficient process of gathering input. Those who attended the forum were polite and direct, despite the high emotions that are inevitable when suggestions are made to redistrict students and close schools. Most importantly, they had some good ideas and the board now has a better sense of where the public stands.

Thumbs up to the McArthur Library board of directors and its benefactors for saving up since 1995 for the renovations that are now nearly complete. The Biddeford library is a community hub and now it will have an improved entryway into the adult library and a nicer reading room. Extra computers, more meeting space and better access to historical documents will all allow the library to improve its service to patrons. Of special note is the teen room, which will cater to youth ”“ in an environment that won’t necessarily be quiet ”“ hopefully making them more aware of all the excitement books have to offer.

— Thumbnails is a Monday feature of the Journal Tribune’s opinion pages. If you would like to respond, please write the Reader’s Forum via e-mail at or by dropping your letter off at our Biddeford or Sanford offices.

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