As one who has worked in sales in Maine for the past 30 years, I have seen many prosperous businesses that have been moved to other states because Maine is so anti-business.

These businesses — both large and small — are being forced to pay high taxes and to abide by a ridiculous number of regulations. And many of the business owners, not wanting to move out of state, simply have had to close their doors.

I have a granddaughter who will be graduating from the University of Maine in December and who will be looking at a few job offerings right here in Maine. I say “a few offerings” because that is indeed what she will get, if she can find any at all. Maine needs these ambitious and creative young folks right here. As things stand now, however, the future looks very bleak to any twenty-something who would like to stay in Maine.

People who do have jobs are really worried about losing their jobs. This creates enormous stress in families who are struggling to pay their bills.

I can safely say that in my lifetime, I have never seen the future look so bleak. And whom should we credit for this situation? For 34 years, the Democrats have succeeded in running this state into the ground.

This is why I am supporting Paul LePage for governor, because I feel he has the experience and backbone to make the tough decisions that would enable us to stop this downward spiral of doom and gloom.


Yes, I sincerely believe that he is the only candidate for governor who can bring our state back to prosperity and us the prospects for a better tomorrow.

Loretta G. Dyer



This year’s governor’s race brings together a multitude of candidates. As a Republican for more 40 years, I certainly wanted to support my party but it became apparent, very soon, that this would not be possible.

Also, as a life-long supporter of women’s rights, I would have been thrilled to see a woman as governor. As a former business owner here in Maine, I understand only too well the need to bring good-paying jobs to Maine and to support the business community wherever possible. Unfortunately, the current Democratic candidate’s record has never shown any interest or support for business except by creating more government jobs.


We need a governor who is intelligent, visionary, able to develop sound policy, not afraid to make bold decisions and willing to work with, not bully, legislators.

I want to feel confident my governor will “think” before he speaks and will select Cabinet members who will promote good government as well. Eliot Cutler is a person capable and willing to lead Maine through the difficult times that lie ahead. He has my vote.

Jana Lapoint



As an educator for the past 21 years and the parent of two grown children who benefitted from an excellent education in Maine schools, including the University of Maine system, I am dismayed by the way two of our gubernatorial candidates are using education as a political football.


A recent poll in the Maine Sunday Telegram indicates that “a majority of Mainers support directing tax dollars to the state’s public colleges and universities” and close to “half said that K-12 schools are not getting enough money from the state,”

Yet Eliot Cutler proposes saving as much as $400 million through cuts to education and Paul LePage has called for reducing a variety of taxes which would drastically reduce the resources our state can spend on education. These ideas would result in an educational system with no resources with which to operate.

Of the candidates for governor, only Libby Mitchell has consistently supported fully funding public education. She realizes that by investing in our students we ” insure that Maine’s public schools are the best in the country”.

And Libby’s right. In spite of the political hay the other candidates make by bashing teachers, teachers unions and public schools, Maine schools have consistently performed as well or better than 42 other states in math and 41 other states in reading on the only reliable national comparison: the National Assessment of Educational Progress.

Can we do better? Surely. Do we need to attract dynamic, enthusiastic and excellent young teachers? Yes.

But what are our chances if we are struggling to keep our heads above water? How many dynamic, enthusiastic young people do you know who would choose to go into teaching when budgets are being slashed, class sizes are doubling and support for education is withdrawn?


Support Maine students by supporting Libby Mitchell on Nov. 2.

Peggy Brown



As part of my job, I drove about 1,500 miles last week. In four states I saw campaign slogans like “(Our state capital) is broken; vote the bums out.”

Now, I’m blue-collar, but can every state with varying leaders be summarized so simply?


Vote for quality candidates with track records of helping people. I don’t fear “elitists” because they’re smart. I fear stampedes from the voters when they aren’t.

Drew Masterman



In a recent New York Times, columnist Thomas Friedman wrote, “We have to rip open this two-party duopoly and have it challenged by a serious third party that will talk about education reform without worrying about offending the far left (and about) energy and climate reform without worrying about offending the far right .”

In Maine we already have this third party: his name is Eliot Cutler. Beholden to neither political agendas nor powerful interests, Cutler, a true independent, is the only candidate qualified to lead Maine to prominence in an interdependent world.


Eliot Cutler has the common sense, the broad experience and the toughness to make hard choices without fear or favor. The times demand no less.

John O’Brien



Democrats must understand something: you cannot scare me into voting for your candidate in any race. Like many Maine voters, I’ll decide on a candidate based on her or his qualifications and ability to lead.

For years, Democrats have assumed that anyone who isn’t a Republican is a Democrat. I understand why — throughout our school years, we’re told that this is a two-party nation, so it’s no wonder that entitlement attitude prevails.


However, it’s incorrect. There are more than two parties, folks, and it’s up to every party to field the best candidate it can find. That’s how you win an election, not shaking a finger at me and telling me that it will be my fault if your candidate loses.

I invite a Maine Democrat to come to me with an outstretched hand and an interest in a genuine discussion. Your party will never win me over with threats. And you all say that the Republicans use scare tactics?

Debbie Atwood



Maine’s “tea party” gubernatorial candidate, Paul LePage, has apparently warned us that if elected, he will curse President Obama and tell him to “go to hell.” The U.S. president! LePage sounds like a guy with poor impulse control and a lot of anger.


As well as being against our president, here is what else he is against:

1. Accepting $180 million for Maine’s educational system.

2. Efforts to protect the environment and supports drilling for oil off the beautiful coast of Maine.

3. The entire U.S. Department of Education, if given the opportunity.

4. Universal health coverage for all citizens.

5. The science of evolution and would let school districts teach creationism.


6. Equal rights for those other than heterosexuals regarding parental responsibilities, financial loans, mortgages, inheritance, etc.

We cannot afford to allow this angry arch-conservative to become our governor. Please vote for Libby Mitchell, an experienced, rational and moderate voice in Maine politics.

Ron Melendy



Predictably, the Libby Mitchell campaign, unable to effectively debate the important economic issues facing this state, has, with the help of the “usual suspects,” initiated the usual mud and sludge slinging they’re so famous for.


Can’t defend your 30-plus-year tax-and-spend record? Just use some photos of flaming oil rig wreckage to create the impression that Paul LePage will destroy the environment. What a crock!

Or, with the help of “useful idiot” liberal so-called journalist, Bill Nemitz, try to paint LePage as a loose cannon. The usual liberal whining. Yawn.

As for education, with the MEA in tow, or under thumb, as the case may be, they allege that LePage will suck the life out of all educational opportunity for our children. What else did we expect from them? Nothing could be further from the truth.

Mitchell’s campaign is all about creating perceptions. In other words, smoke and mirrors. Nothing more. Period.

The facts are that Mitchell has been on the state of Maine’s payroll for more 30 years, while LePage has survived an abusive and profoundly neglectful childhood on the streets of Lewiston, to achieve a college degree and an MBA, and carve out a successful and productive career as a businessman and mayor of Waterville.

Have we all forgotten that Mitchell supported the recent referendum on multiple new taxes? To her, new taxes means new and bolstered entitlements. Which means more Democratic voters.


So, LePage has a temper. Good! It’s about time we had a governor who did. Give ’em hell, Paul!

Dennis Gervais


I’ll bet when Paul LePage decided to run for governor, he didn’t realize that, in addition to ballot candidates Libby Mitchell, Eliot Cutler, Shawn Moody and Kevin Scott, he’d also have to run against the left’s “Shill” Nemitz!

W.C. Smythe




I consider myself a political moderate, leaning to conservative on fiscal issues and more liberal on social issues. I am a registered Republican but do not consistently vote the party ticket.

In my view, Eliot Cutler is by far the best choice among the three leading candidates for governor. He is the only candidate whose philosophy and positions reflect those of a moderate voter. Both of the two major party candidates, Libby Mitchell and Paul LePage, represent the extremes of their parties.

In every forum and debate, Cutler stands head and shoulders above the others as the most analytical and strategic thinker, the one who has studied in depth the challenges facing Maine, and the one who speaks articulately about specific and substantive plans to solve complex problems.

Cutler speaks in a measured manner, but also conveys a sincere and passionate commitment to reversing the decline in prosperity and opportunity that threaten the people and economy of our state today.

Coverage in the print media of interviews and debates is inadequate in conveying the superiority of Eliot Cutler’s thoughtful in-depth answers to questions. Every responsible voter ought to personally attend one of these forums, and it will immediately be obvious that there is only one candidate who has the intellect, integrity and values to lead Maine toward economic security.


I urge voters to choose the best candidate for Maine, rather than casting a vote against one of the party candidates. If the sensible moderate voters of Maine support Eliot Cutler, we will elect a non-partisan governor, one we can rely on to represent all the people of Maine, and who has the vision and ability to succeed in moving our state in the right direction.

Katherine S. Pope, M.D.

Cumberland Foreside