Maine voters would approve a casino in Oxford County if the election were held today, according to the Maine Poll.

The poll found that 53 percent of likely voters support a casino and 43 oppose Question 1, which would allow for a casino with table games in Oxford County. The results are nearly identical to a Maine Poll conducted two weeks ago.

The poll was conducted for MaineToday Media by the Portland polling firm Critical Insights.

Support for the casino is highest among men, younger voters, unenrolled voters and those with less than a college degree.

Although only four percent of voters are undecided, nearly 20 percent of voters say they will “probably” vote either for or against the measure. Those soft levels of support and opposition suggest that sentiments could shift in the final weeks of the campaign, according to an analysis by Critical Insights.

The computer-assisted telephone survey of 605 registered likely voters was completed on Sunday and Monday.

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