In response to Peter Anastos’ Monday column about Rep. Chellie Pingree’s record (“Chellie Pingree is no friend of small business,” Oct. 11), I’d like to draw attention to the very stark differences between Pingree and her opponent, Republican Dean Scontras, on the issues of jobs and the economy.

Pingree has fought for increased lending and tax breaks for small businesses, in addition to starting two successful small businesses herself. In fact, her opponent has even dedicated a page on his company’s website touting some of these tax breaks and offering to help customers take advantage of them.

And while Pingree is fighting for tax breaks for Maine businesses, Scontras signed a pledge to protect tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Are these really the priorities of someone we want representing us in Congress?

Pingree also supports increasing the minimum wage, ensuring families can pay the rent and buy groceries. During a call-in radio show last week, I heard a caller ask Scontras if he supported an increase in the minimum wage.

“My first impulse is to say that is not a good idea,” he said, and then went on to say that we need to be competitive with countries like China, where an average worker earns only 85 cents per hour. That is not the way to protect Maine workers and Maine families.

Instead of digging into her personal life as her opponent and the media are doing, let’s focus on the real issues – protecting jobs and building Maine’s economy – and the real choice we face in this election. Chellie Pingree is the person who will continue fighting for Maine in Washington. Join me in voting to return her to Congress on Nov. 2.