Thumbs up to the Old Orchard Beach Town Council for approving a letter of intent to bring the Lowell Americans New England Collegiate Baseball League team to the town, beginning in the summer 2011 season. While the official decision will not be made until October, this was a step in the right direction for allowing the team to relocate to the area, which could be a potentially profitable deal.

Thumbs up to the Regional School Unit 21 board members who voted in favor of continuing investigation into a tax discrepancy that will cost Kennebunk voters about $300,000 more than anticipated this year. While some argued it would be best to let the matter drop, we agree with Vice Chairman Tim Hussey that it would cause hard feelings in Kennebunk if the issue is not addressed further. It has been recommended that the disagreement go back to the voters, to determine their original intent in the cost-sharing process, and we agree that will be the only way to keep voters from revolting against the board.

Thumbs up to Biddeford City Council members who voted against instating a circuit breaker program for residents. As it is currently proposed, this effort to provide tax relief would average only $25 per household and does not have tight enough restrictions to focus funds on only the most needy. Though this effort is near and dear to Mayor Joanne Twomey’s heart, she must realize that it would have negligible impact. The state is already providing tax and rent refunds for those who need it and there is no need for the city to get involved ”“ especially in such tight financial times and with such a loose qualification process.

Thumbs up to Arundel for its efforts to form a Strategic Plan Committee that would chart a course for the future of the town. Though Arundel has the well-traveled routes of both Route 111 and Route 1, it has little infrastructure to support businesses there and has not courted many, preferring to retain the town’s rural character. This committee will help determine, most importantly, if the town wants to develop its business district more aggressively, and also form a plan of how to go about it if the voters choose that path.

Thumbs up to all of the local police departments and residents who took part in the national initiative “Take-Back Day” throughout the county Saturday to properly dispose of prescription drugs. Flushing pills down the toilet leaves traces of medicine in our groundwater, which can harm people’s health; and disposing of them in the trash can result in the drugs getting into the wrong hands. Police have also stated that burglars and teenagers alike are going after prescription drugs at people’s homes, so if you won’t finish a medication, everyone is safer if you simply get rid of it.

Thumbs up to all the volunteers who showed up last Wednesday to install fencing for a new dog park at Rotary Park in Biddeford. Members of the community and volunteers from Home Depot, which donated materials for the project, came out in force to make a special place for dogs to be dogs. This effort will be a boon to the city, as another amenity for residents, and all dog owners will benefit from the work of those who have given their time to make it a reality.

— Thumbnails is a Monday feature of the Journal Tribune’s opinion pages. If you would like to respond, please write the Reader’s Forum via e-mail at or by dropping your letter off at our Biddeford or Sanford offices.

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