WASHINGTON — Downtown Gallery in Washington opens a new show Friday focusing on artists who use Henri Matisse as their reference point.

To prepare, the artists created a collaborative large-scale copy of a painting by the master, then moved in their own direction. The show is up through Oct. 11 and includes the work of Mary Boothby, Carolyn Brown, Megan Cafferata, Priscilla Cross, Joan Freiman, Suzanne Phillips, Carol Sloane, Ieva Tatarsky and Cynthia White. An opening reception is from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday.

In addition, a selection of works by the late Paula Green will be displayed. This is the fourth in a retrospective series honoring the artist, a founding partner of the gallery.

The Downtown Gallery is at the center of Washington Village at the intersection of Route 220 and Old Union Road. Gallery hours are 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday and holidays. For information, call 542-6492 or visit www.downtownart gallery.com.