Pagan Pride celebration

Southern Maine Pagan Pride Day 2010 will be 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday at the Allen Avenue Unitarian Church.

People of all ages and spiritual backgrounds are welcome. The event will include information booths, vendors, entertainers, and other activities celebrating the First Harvest, a time of thanksgiving in many pagan traditions.

An item of nonperishable food will be accepted as admission and donated to a local food bank.



Women’s construction clinic

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland and Lowe’s on Brighton Avenue are offering clinics to teach women construction basics.

The next free clinic on how to install insulation and drywall is from 9 to 11 a.m. Saturday at Lowe’s on Brighton Avenue. These clinics provide extensive hands-on opportunities. To sign up for clinics or for more information, call 772-2151 or e-mail volunteer@habitatme.org.


SAT preparation course

The Maine Prep SAT course begins Tuesday with eight sessions from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. on Tuesdays through Oct. 5 at Falmouth Public Library. The SAT is Oct. 9.


Jessica Kaplan, a Maine Prep master teacher, will teach the course designed to help students with strategies for math, writing and reading sections of the exam.

For more information or to sign up, call 798-5690 or visit www.maineprep.com.


Talk on rail to Montreal

A historical lecture at 7:30 tonight at the Fifth Maine Regiment Museum will examine Portland’s attempts to build a railroad to Montreal to make Portland Canada’s winter port.

Professor Emeritus Joel Eastman of the University of Southern Maine will tell the story of the enormous project that nearly bankrupted the city, but at the same time transformed Portland’s waterfront.




Food drive for animals

Animal Rights Maine is hosting a companion animal food drive from 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Saturday at Pet Quarters on Payne Road.

The food table will be out rain or shine to collect donations of pet food to give to the pet food pantry run by Camp Bow Wow and the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland to be redistributed free of charge. Families in need of cat or dog food can call Camp Bow Wow at 541-9247.



‘Armchair Traveler’ series

The Public Library is launching a new “Armchair Traveler” series at 6:30 p.m. tonight with a pictorial look at the migration of monarch butterflies.

Harry Pringle will offer a presentation of digital photographs chronicling his journey from Maine to Cape May, N.J. to Mexico, following the migration of the monarch butterfly.

For more information, call 883-4723 ext. 240 or visit www.library.scarborough.me.us.


Littlejohn, Cousins histories

Lee Kovar Dionne will present an account of the histories of Cousins and Littlejohn islands, using antique postcards as a visual backdrop at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Cousins Island Community House, 422 Cousins St.

Admission is by suggested donation, which is $3 for members of the Yarmouth Historical Society and $5 for nonmembers. For more information, contact the Yarmouth Historical Society at 846-6259.