
Assumption College, Worcester, Mass.: Clare Menapace, Kennebunk; Kayla Parker, Sanford; Nicholas Cantrell, Portland.

Berklee College of Music, Boston: Sydney Anderson, Rockport; Scott Good, Eliot; Marcel Hamel, Gorham; M. Mulholland, Arundel; Ryan Nava, North Waterboro; Sam Reifman-Packett, Harpswell.

College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass.: Elizabeth Kayajian, cum laude, Biddeford.

Denison University, Granville, Ohio: Isabel Mullin, Cape Elizabeth.

Emory University, Atlanta: Iyla Hopkins of Warren; Kelsey Walsh and Elisabeth Blanchard, Yarmouth; Elyse LaFond, Falmouth; Randall Hansen and Kathryn Abare, Portland; Kristen Jensen, Scarborough; Erik Goranson, Cumberland; Peter Van De Krol, Gorham.


Fairfield, Conn., University: Maria Theresa Cardona, Buxton; Spencer Thibodeau, Portland; Kristen Buckley, Scarborough; Caitlin Barber, Cape Elizabeth; Laura McDermott, Berwick.

Franklin Pierce University, Rindge, N.H.: Elyse Tourangeau, cum laude, Old Orchard Beach.

Gettysburg, Pa., College: Sarah Studley, summa cum laude, Yarmouth; Sarah Slater , magna cum laude, Gorham; Gretchen Koch, cum laude, Scarborough; Kaitlyn Lyons, cum laude, Brunswick; Bradley Allen, Cumberland; Albert McCormack, Freeport; Rachel Parshley, Portland.

Prescott, Ariz., College: Abigail Strauss-Malcolm, Portland.

Roanoke College, Salem, Va.: Renee Souter and Kevin Harrison, both of Cape Elizabeth; Christina Sargent, North Berwick.

Springfield, Mass., College: Samuel Burrell, of Cumberland;Matthew Dale, of Durham; Tracey Jameson, of Harpswell; Joshua Masse, of Biddeford.


Stonehill College, Easton, Mass.: Jessica Dunfey, York; Samantha Ennis, Windham; Katherine Foley, Cape Elizabeth Alana Landano, Fryeburg; Sean Lynch and Sara Vicenzi, Yarmouth; Christopher McCormick and Brendan Rauth, Scarborough; Stephen Morrill, Waterboro; Traca Rafferty , Kennebunk.

SUNY College at Oneonta: Cynthia Walker, Wells.

Taylor University, Upland, Ind.: John Hutchins, Cumberland; Clinton Sullivan, Bowdoinham.

University at Albany, N.Y.: Victoria Pelletier, Brunswick.

Western New England College, Springfield, Mass.: Russell Bouchard, Topsham; Eric Caron, Springvale; Dana Clancy, Jr., Kennebunk; Krista Goulet, Saco; Edwin Jones, Bowdoin; John Mercier, Biddeford; Austin Pickering, South Portland; Kristen Tonder, cum laude, Old Orchard Beach; Timothy Whetstone, cum laude, Wells.

American University, Washington, D.C.: Laura Whiston, magna cum laude, Kennebunk.


Bates College, Lewiston: Jenna Finegold, magna cum laude, Portland.

Bowdoin College, Brunswick: John Coit, Lucas Delahanty, Colman Hatton, Dana Riker and Matthew Yantakosol, all of Cape Elizabeth; Megan Macleod, Cumberland; Leonard Pierce, Cumberland Foreside; Brenna Nicely, Gorham; Tho Xuan Thi Huynh and Kimberly Ayers, both of Portland; Samantha Anaman, Scarborough; Francis Huynh, Emily McKinnon and Kelly Schussler, all of South Portland; Molly Masterton, Windham.

The College of Saint Rose, Albany, NY.: Natalie Mitchell, Kennebunk.

Elon, N.C., University: Elizabeth Russell, Cumberland.

Hartwick College, Oneonta, N.Y.: Helen Lockwoood, cum laude, Raymond.

Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY.: William Wysowski, summa cum laude, Westbrook.


University of Rochester, N.Y.: Douglass Butler, cum laude, Windham.

University of New Haven, West Haven, Conn.: Chelsea Annese, Topsham; Amber Auger, Lewiston; Gillian Higginson, South Windham; Courtney Panetta, Kennebunk; Sean Whitman, Marshwood.


Advance Degrees

Saint Joseph College, West Hartford, Conn.: Marin Weiner, Portland, Master of Science in Nutrition.

Springfield, Mass., College: Michael Griffin, Scarborough, master of science in physician assistant.


University of Hartford, Conn.: Sarah Hood, Hollis, doctoral degree in physical therapy.


Curry College, Milton, Mass.: Donna Schlieper of Scarborough, has been inducted into the Lambda Chi chapter of the Communication Honor Society, Lambda Pi Eta.

Bryant University, Smithfield, R.I.: Michael Whipple, South Portland, received the Jeremiah Clark Barber Award for the most consistent record of academic improvement; Allyson Lagass?f Wells, received the Leander Francis Emin Endowed Homestead Award for scholastic excellence in accounting.

Bates College, Lewiston: Jenna Finegold, Portland, was elected to Phi Beta Kappa and also received the Drake R. Bradley Award in statistics.

Gettysburg, Pa., College: Timothy Cullen, of Auburn, and Sarah Studley, of Yarmouth, have been elected to the Iota Chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Society.


Hartwick College, Oneonta, N.Y.: Brittany Daigneault, Biddeford, and Brianna O’Connor, Brunswick, have been named Faculty Scholars in Art.

Manhattanville College, Purchase, NY.: William Wysowski, Westbrook, received the Criminal Law Concentration Prize, Portfolio Honors and Departmental Honors in both his majors, American Studies and Political Science.

Dean’s List

Bryant University, Smithfield, R.I.: Erica Braley, Darryl Longley and Luke Stankiewicz, all of Brunswick; Jack Burnham, Topsham; Sean Carolan, Yarmouth; Kristen Carrier and Lauren Wallace, both of Steep Falls; Megha Choolani, Rachael Colcord, Anthony Fasulo, Abigail Hibbard, Sarah Krabbe, Danielle Poston, Kyle Turcotte, all of Portland; Kortnee Cribby and Liana Grieg, both of York; Michelle Gagnon, Biddeford; Jasmin Greene, Woolwich; Zoe Hagen and Brendan King, both of Kennebunk; Allyson Lagasse, Wells; Matthew Lotfey, Falmouth; Kelsey Mann, Windham; Katie Pelletier, Berwick; Mark McDonnell and Ben Polichronopoulos, both of South Berwick; Katrijn Moulin, Nicholas Norton, William Sabo and Brittany White, all of Scarborough; Taylor Munson and Brendan O’Donnell, both of Cumberland; Brendan Nicholas of Cape Elizabeth; Jason Scott, Garrett Staples and Zachary Sullivan, all of Saco; Brianna Thompson, Westbrook; Michael Waldroup, Yarmouth.

College of the Holy Cross, Worcester, Mass.: Elizabeth Kayajian, Biddeford.

Drew University, Madison, N.J.: Chelsea LeDuc, Topsham; John Watson, Casco; Marcela Wilk, Sebago; Arielle Sorenson, Gorham; Shandra McManus, Lewiston; Yukari Ueda, Portland.


Elizabethtown, Pa., College: Kelly Van Clief, Saco.

Keene, N.H., State College: Rachel Dagan and Alexandra Krauth, Eliot; Kevin Kuehl, Kittery; Michael Bakas and Alexandra Claus, South Berwick; Vanessa Nuttall, Stephanie Plaisted and Caitlyn Abbott, York; Marielle Petrin, Caitlin Fecteau, Sean Fitzgerald and Britney Perkins, Biddeford; Sara Handspicker, Bridgton; Elizabeth Demski and Benjamin Brown, Gorham; Danielle Mack, Kennebunk; Kaleigh Marston, Windham; Samantha King, Ocean Park; Laura Sanborn, Raymond; Melissa Small, Hannah Fluet, Jessica Spellman, Emma Vaillancourt, Joshua Pulsifer and Nathaniel Presby, Saco; Allison Chamberlain, Scarborough; Laura Beisswanger and Christine Sullivan, Wells; Benjamin Jones, Falmouth; Andrew Ochsner, South Portland; Nicholas Goduti, Shannon Smith and Anne Johnson, Cape Elizabeth; Jessica Rice, Durham; Owen Davis, Norway; Sally Monroe, Boothbay; Ashley Lewis and Tallie Colcord, both of Boothbay Harbor; Trishia Higgins, Damariscotta; Anna Schelble and Abigail Higgins, both of Camden.

Messiah College, Grantham, Pa.: Carlos Mejia, Oxford; Hannah Groom, Cumberland; Katherine Marstaller, Topsham.

Siena College, Loudonville, N.Y.: Morgan Vanasse, Wells.

University of Maine, Orono: Jennifer Stoudt, Gorham.

University of Notre Dame, South Bend, Ind.: Jessica Hedrich, Portland.


Worcester, Mass., Polytechnic Institute: Emily Bowen and Samson King, South Berwick; Emily Hartzell, Brunswick; Emily Johnson, Gray; Jennifer Moutinho, Gorham; Andrew O’Neill, Raymond; Alexander Quinn, York Beach; Jared Snell, Woolwich; Brijen Patel, Old Orchard Beach; Tyler Morin, Alfred; Andrew Rogers, Windham;

Bates College, Lewiston: Abigail Saucier, Yarmouth; David Hardison, South Portland.

Beloit, Wisc., College: Keston Geistwalker, Yarmouth.

Colby-Sawyer College, New London, N.H.: David Brackett and Kayleigh Flynn, both of Windham; Aimee Cates, Camden; Sabrina Corey, Freeport; Amber Cronin, Buxton; Jake Daniele, Pownal; Paul Hammerle, Sanford; Rachel Keefe, Rockland; Kayla Reed, Bowdoinham; Michelle Tabler, South Berwick.

Bryant University, Smithfield, R.I.: Allyson Lagasse, Wells; Kyle Turcotte and Jennifer Chau, both of Portland.

Duke University, Durham, N.C.: Max Kagan, Freeport.


Endicott College, Beverly, Mass.: Brittany Kane, Scarborough; Daniel Marchese and Joshua Precourt, both of Saco; Kara Maxsimic, Portland; Graham Whitelaw, Kennebunk.

Emory University, Atlanta: Lyla Hopkins, Warren.

Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, Pa.: Luci Lantos, Falmouth; Mallory Gordon and Torrie Hazelwood, both of Scarborough.

Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, Ga.: Christina MacKellar, Topsham.

Gettysburg, Pa., College: Kallen Decato, York; Kaitlyn Lang, Kennebunk; Sarah Tuttle, Warren; Hannah Sawyer, Lovell; Kelsey Boyce, Arrowsic; Gretchen Koch, Scarborough; Kaitlyn Lyons, Brunswick; Sarah Slater, Gorham; Sarah Studley and Amelia Devine, both of Yarmouth.

Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta: Kirk Dahlberg, Rockland.

Maine Maritime Academy, Castine: Benjamin Cobleigh, Alec Dacar, Chelsea Pettengill and Zachary Tuttle, all of South Portland; Cassandra Everest, Daniel Howe, Christopher Love, Jason Smith and Nicholas Stanhope, all of Portland; Emmett Huber, Peaks Island; Calvin Klopp, Cape Elizabeth; Kalin Lancaster, Westbrook.

Marquette University, Milwaukee: James McKew, Portland.