In response to “Maine Voices” July 10, “Catholic diocese claims success for fund drive, but much is hidden.”

By the use of insinuations and innuendos, Paul Kendrick attempts to create a picture of a big conspiracy involving Bishop Richard Malone and the Catholic Church in Maine. It’s the same old tirade of lashing out broadly and hoping something will stick.

Why doesn’t Kendrick say who he is? What is his agenda? I’ll tell who I am. I am a Catholic and a conservative. I can’t say that I am a “hard-working Catholic” because I am retired; however, I contributed to the capital campaign because I believe in its objectives and I consider it a duty. There is nothing more basic than supporting one’s church. My parents taught me this and I believe and practice it.

Kendrick goes over some old complaints, such as why does Bishop Malone live in a large house on the Western Prom?

The question could be asked, why do the president, the governor or a CEO live in such large houses? The answer is obvious. They are leaders and their positions warrant appropriate accommodations. Would Kendrick be happy if the bishop lived in a hovel?

Why is he so interested in the money pledged to the Diocesan Capital Campaign by “hard-working Maine Catholics?” He obviously is not a contributor. Why is he so interested in the number of active Catholics in Maine?


And who is Kendrick that Bishop Malone should answer to him?

I think Kendrick started out with a cause, which became a crusade, and finally resulted in an obsession. Kendrick attempts to bolster his theory of a big conspiracy between the bishop and wealthy conservative donors by using “for instance this” and “instances that.” He goes on to instruct Bishop Malone on Canon Law in regard to finance committees and what to say at the beginning of every meeting, no matter the purpose or the meeting.

Let me remind Kendrick that Bishop Malone is the spiritual leader and head of the Catholic community in Maine.

My advice to Kendrick is to set some time aside from his attacks on the bishop, and indirectly on the hard-working Catholics in Maine (and non-working retired Catholics. too).

Don’t be obsessed with how the Catholic Church spends its money — especially if you did not contribute.

Relax, read a book. My suggestion would be “Who Really Cares” by Arthur C. Brooks. It has data that prove conservatives, rich or poor, give much more money and time to charitable causes and churches than others do.

Progressives are more prone to use other peoples’ money (via taxes) to provide services to the poor and needy. Look in the mirror; who do you see?