Cape Elizabeth High School: Every student in first-year Latin took the National Latin Language Exam and all 18 students scored above the national average. Ten received the highest award, the Gold Summa Cum Laude prize: Tori Downer, Maria Morris, Alex Cooley, Sam Sherman, Cameron Caswell, Robert Freccero, Francesca Governali, Henry Babcock, Catherine Powell and Nolan Chase.

Six students in second year were tested and Robert Macdonald, Thomas Janick, Jacob Wasserman and Kelsey Krull received the laurel wreath.


Falmouth High School: Five seniors competed in the Department of Energy’s 20th annual National Science Bowl in early May. Students Chadwick Prichard, Ryan Gao, Ben Snowdon, Alyssa Yeung and Tyler Evers, and adviser Mr. Andrew Njaa comprised one of 105 regional high school and middle school teams to attend the competition in Washington, D.C.


Thornton Academy: 43 students were recently inducted into the school’s chapter of the National Honor Society. The new members are: Colin Buttarazzi, Lauren Couture, Stephanie Harrison and Kaleigh Keller, all of Arundel; Kaitlyn Hall, Samantha LeBlanc and Mariah Picard, all of Dayton; Victoria Balsamo, Michelle Beauchemin, Courtney Bishop, Allyson Blanc, Abby Boissonneault, Alyssa Bourque, Anna Boutet, Christian Brayden, Mitchell Breton, Katherine Campisi, Samuel Canales, Rachel Christian, Jacqueline Costello, Arica Foster, Emily Galos, Rebekah Giacomantonio, Haven Hatch, Melanie Hurrell, James Hutchinson, Erin Kany, Philip Kolmar, Patrick Leary, McKenzie Loeser, Krystal Pierson, Christianna Roberts, Elizabeth Sawyer, Jennifer Scontras, Lou Abigail Seneres, George Andrew Shaw, Erin Siulinski, Morgan Strout, Matthew Tarsetti, Brian Wiederhold, Aaron Williams, Katrin Wolfe and Sarah Young, all of Saco.


South Portland High School: 27 students were recently inducted into membership of the National Honor Society: Courtney Perruzzi, Eric Mills, Irene Merrow, Samuel Ouellette, Adam Sellick, Alicia Harvey, Amanda Junkins, Amanda Linscott, Brian Campbell, Brittany Harrison, Callaghan Skillings, Hailey Grohman, Kelsey Berglund, Kyle Burnham, Maria Letourneau, Matthew Welch, Maureen Blanchard, Michael Kennedy, Morgan Lundgren, Nicole Laplante, Olivia Ledue, Samantha Drivas, Samuel Redstone, Sydney Damian-Loring, Thomas Redstone, Tomlinson Ellis, and William Darling.