“STUTTERING and Your Child: Help for Parents” is available on disc at public libraries. The presentation is designed to help parents detect stuttering and take action to help their child. It is produced by the nonprofit Stuttering Foundation and describes types of stuttering, how parents can help at home, and the role of speech pathologists.


EDUCATION FIRST’S Educational Homestay Programs is looking for local families to share homes with students from abroad. Students between the ages of 13 and 17 will arrive in Portland July 21 and depart Aug. 9. Students will have classes and cultural activities five days a week from 8:30 a.m. to 5 or 6 p.m.

Host families provide three meals a day, including a bag lunch for school, and spend evenings and two or three weekends with the host students. Families are also asked to transport the students to the course center at Catherine McCauley High School. For more information, visit or contact Anita Burroughs at 603-986-6216 or



A 4-H ART PROGRAM coordinated by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension’s York County office is creating cards for patients at York Hospital Oncology Care and the Hospice of York. John Prichard, an associate Extension professor, and Laura Jaquays, a community artist and educator, lead “Happy Art.”


THE EDUCATION FOUNDATION of the Kennebunks and Arundel raised more than $40,000 at its first golf tournament at the Webhannet Golf Club on June 28.


THE BRICK STORE MUSEUM is hosting “History Camp: Paddles, Printing and Pathways” from 9:45 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. July 17. The program is for children entering the third through sixth grades. Rgistration must be completed by Saturday. Cost is $30 per camper or $25 for museum members. Register at, or by calling 985-4802.



THORNTON ACADEMY, after its first year of hosting boarding students, has started work on a second dormitory. During 2009-2010, there were 38 students in the boarding program. The new dormitory will house another 42 students. School officials also rededicated the James E. Nelson Residence Hall, announced a new homestay program and celebrated the past year’s achievements at the recent groundbreaking ceremony. School officials hope to welcome 100 students to campus by the fall of 2011, the academy’s bicentennial.


HATTIE SIMON, a recent eighth- grade graduate from Loranger Middle School, has been selected as one of 18 students in the Maine Youth Action Network’s yearlong Youth Leadership Training program. She will be part of an inaugural team of students in grades nine, 10 and 11.


THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY is seeking volunteers for the 2010 season. The season opens today, and hours are from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday through Saturday. Community members with a love of local history are invited to become acquainted with the society’s Conway Homestead-Cramer Museum Complex on the Camden and Rockport town line on Route 1. For more information on volunteering, call 236-2257 or e-mail



GIRL SCOUT TROOP 739 has created a space for the New Gloucester Fire Department to recycle as a community service project, purchasing bins and labeling each bin before delivering them to the department. The troop also saved pull tabs from aluminum soda cans for several months, totaling 10 pounds, to drop off at the Ronald McDonald House. While visiting the house, the troop also toured the Barbara Bush wing at Maine Medical Center and dropped off a bag of art supplies for the children there.


BENJAMIN ACKER, 17, of Scarborough Boy Scout Troop 39 was honored at a special Eagle Scout ceremony. He earned 21 merit badges, served as a leader in his troop and completed a major community service project in order to earn Scouting’s highest award. His project took place at Broadturn Farm in Scarborough, where he and 35 Scouts, friends and family built a bridge and cleared a one-mile loop walking trail in the wooded area belonging to the farm. He has been a member of the troop for six years, serving as a troop assistant patrol leader, patrol leader, assistant senior patrol leader, senior patrol leader and assistant junior Scout master.


THE MERRYMEETING ARTS Center in Bowdoinham invites submissions to the late summer art show focusing on ducks and duck hunting in Merrymeeting Bay. The “Ducks on the Bay” exhibit will open Aug. 14 and run through Sept. 18. Work must be exhibit-ready when delivered. Applications should be received by July 30. For more information, stop by the arts center from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays or 3:30 to 6:30 p.m. Sundays, or call Peggy Muir at 666-3426.



THE DEADLINE for nominating a North Yarmouth citizen for the North Yarmouth Events Committee 2010 Distinguished Citizens Award is July 15. Besides receiving special recognition for their hours of volunteer work, this year’s recipient will have their photo featured on the 2010 Fun Day dollar and will be the grand marshal of the parade. For more information or to nominate someone, visit, stop by the town office, or e-mail


THE ORRS AND BAILEY Islands Fire Department is accepting donations for its annual auction and yard sale Aug. 7 and 8 at the fire station on Orrs Island. Items may be dropped off at the fire station, 1600 Harpswell Islands Road, Route 24, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturdays and 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Sundays. For more information, call 833-5405.


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