THE BOOK SALE of the York Public Library will be held July 22, 23 and 24, and the library is looking for donations. Acceptable items include paperback and hardcover books in good condition, especially children’s books; audio books on compact discs; videos on DVD, and puzzles.

Donation of items will be accepted through July 10 in the lower lobby of the library. The library will not accept cassette tapes, VHS tapes, textbooks, computer manuals, magazines, publishers’ gallery proofs, Reader’s Digest condensed books, reference books or items that are damaged, discolored or written in. For more information, call 363-2818.


FOURTH-GRADE STUDENTS of art teacher Mary Zane and writing teacher Michele Freitag are exhibiting their “miniature books” at York Public Library. These little books were crafted by Samantha Pooler, Wendy Donnell, Sophia Eytel, Hannah Sparks, Mae Hickey and Margaret Wilkinson, who wrote the stories that accompany each book.



THORNTON ACADEMY Middle School eighth-graders took recycling to a new level during the “Trashion Show.” Bags, made from recycled material such as water bottle labels, paper and clothing, were on display.

The winner of the show was a bag made of shrimp net with a rope handle, created by Sydney Curran, John Belanger, Justin Poulin and Julian Zuke, all of Arundel. The show concluded a project led by art teacher Amy Goodness and social studies teacher Heidi Brewer.


SIXTEEN STUDENTS from Wells Elementary School graduated from the Literature Garden Junior Master Gardener Program, held at the library this spring. This program is part of 4-H on an international level and sponsored locally by the Wells Conservation Commission and the Friends of the Wells Public Library. It is also a part of the Cooperative Extension of York County Master Gardeners. The students, all in the third and fourth grades, met for 10 Mondays to learn about gardening and the environment and work on service learning projects.


WELLS JUNIOR HIGH School remembered a student through a weeklong photography exhibit on the walls of the third floor library earlier this month. Courtney DeWitt, a sophomore at Wells High School, died in December 2006 of injuries received in a car accident. She was 15 years old at the time, and her mother, Joleen DeWitt, said she had already displayed a love of photography. Both of Courtney DeWitt’s parents were present during the opening reception of the exhibit. The exhibit also included a number of Courtney DeWitt’s photos. Those who received top recognition in the “Student Choice” portion of the photo contest included Anna Libby, Sophie Lamb, Hannah Moody, Olivia Welch, Dawson Sibley and Isabelle Smith (tied), Elizabeth Thompson, Madalin Pagliarulo and Tyler Bartlett.



THE BETHEL HISTORICAL Society has received a $15,000 grant from the William Bingham Foundation of Cleveland to fund the research, writing and publication of a biography of William Bingham II. Bingham, a philanthropist born in Cleveland, later became a longtime resident of Bethel. During his lifetime, he made major gifts to Gould Academy, Bates College and a large number of hospitals and medical facilities. Stanley Howe, society associate director and director of education and research, has been selected to research and prepare this biography.


ALMOST $40,000 was raised from the Mid Coast Hospital Auxiliary yard sale held in May. Auxiliary President Eleanor Tracy said this year’s yard sale raised more than any other hospital yard sale. The funds have been given to Mid Coast Hospital toward the auxiliary pledge of $150,000 for the waiting area in the new emergency department and will expand the auxiliary’s scholarship program.


UNDER THE GUIDANCE of Kennebunk High School art teacher Katie Reagan, Tony Karvelas, Maddy Terry and Harley Frisbie created a mural at the Child Abuse Prevention Council of York County’s office in Kennebunk. The mural depicts a large tree extending up to the ceiling with buds beginning to flower.