Thumbs up to the Biddeford High School students who participated in a budget protest at City Hall Wednesday. The budget process has been very difficult throughout the state this year, with state cuts coming down unexpectedly, and it hasn’t been easy for administrators and school boards to decide where to cut. The cuts were necessary, however, especially considering the loss of aid and new obligations facing taxpayers.
Though teachers, principals, parents and others have spoken out about the budget, it’s important for the school board and community to hear that the students care about how the cuts will impact them. It’s also a good lesson for young people to learn how involvement can sometimes create change ”“ and conversely, that sometimes sheer will can’t overpower a lack of funds. Students should note this as well: Just like a parent who can’t afford to buy his child the newest toy, the city’s cuts to the school do not reflect a lack of caring for them.
Thumbs down to Biddeford City Councilor David Bourque for his multiple attempts to have the city award a phone service contract to XATel, in which he had partial ownership. On Tuesday, Bourque transferred his ownership to his wife in an ineffective attempt to skirt this conflict of interest. The city charter prohibits awarding contracts to businesses in which councilors have an interest ”“ and yet the mayor and some other councilors have voiced support for awarding XATel the contract. In the end, the company’s bid and credentials weren’t sufficient to beat out the other bidder, GWI, and this has helped the city avoid making what would have been an improper decision.
Thumbs up to the Biddeford Police and Public Works departments for their efforts to curb graffiti vandalism throughout the city. Those who scribble “tags” on public and private property obviously do not care that it makes the city look terrible ”“ and interestingly, a couple of vandals who were recently caught feel that no one else cares either. This is upsetting, considering how hard people work to beautify the city, particularly through the downtown revitalization groups that do painting, plant flowers, and decorate along Main street. These young vandals send a powerful message to property owners and the city: If your property is vandalized, clean it up or they’ll figure you just don’t care.
Thumbs up to everyone who organized and attended Memorial Day ceremonies and parades, particularly to Kim McLaughlin in Old Orchard Beach, who stepped up to coordinate the parade there as longtime organizer Bob McNally was ailing. McNally passed away on Memorial Day, but McLaughlin and others have continued the tradition in which he took so much pride. These observances are at the core of our communities and the importance ”“ not only of remembering the fallen, but of coming together to do so ”“ cannot be overstated.
— Thumbnails is a Monday feature of the Journal Tribune’s opinion pages. If you would like to respond, please write the Reader’s Forum via e-mail at or by dropping your letter off at our Biddeford or Sanford offices.
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