Recapping our  endorsements:

Republican: Steve Abbott, 47, is a new face to many Maine voters but he is not a newcomer to the state, its people and the issues Mainers care about.

A Portland resident who grew up in Orono, Abbott served for 12 years as chief of staff for U.S. Sen. Susan Collins. Abbott’s experience in the Capitol could prove invaluable in the State House, not only by helping him deal with the ever-increasing involvement of federal government in matters previously left to states, but also by preparing him to work with legislators in turning executive policy proposals into law.

We believe that Steve Abbott possesses the combination of experience, skill and leadership that the people of Maine are looking for in their next governor. He is our choice in Tuesday’s Republican primary.

Democrat: Pat McGowan, 53, a Hallowell resident and former state legislator, is no stranger to Maine politics. He served as a state conservation commissioner and as regional administrator for the U.S. Small Business Administration.

His years of public service combined with his extensive experience operating small businesses in Maine give him a unique perspective on the complex relationship between the public and private sectors, and would serve him well in dealing with one of the major challenges facing the next governor: improving the state’s business climate.

On the policy front, McGowan’s ideas are solid. His plan to reorganize state government and reform the political system demonstrates the sort of creative thinking that is needed in the State House. We urge voters to support Pat McGowan in the Democratic primary for governor.