HANNAFORD supermarkets is sponsoring a performance of “foodplay” today at Skillin School. The award-winning nutrition theater show will bring a cast of characters, feats of juggling, hip-hop music and audience participation to promote healthy eating and active lifestyles. The performance will reach 67 elementary schools and over 26,000 children and families to impart important health messages.
THE FIRST SEMESTER of Coastal Studies for Girls is wrapping up and the school is accepting applications for the fall term and spring of 2011. Qualifying applicants are female students who will be in the 10th grade this fall. Scholarships are available to accepted students wanting to attend the country’s first residential science and leadership semester school for 10th-grade girls. For more information or to learn about what this first semester has been like, visit
THE REAL School is the first program to earn Maine Department of Education approval as a public “combination alternative and special education” placement. The school is by referral for students in grades 7 through 12. Located on Mackworth Island, the school offers adventure-based and community-based learning opportunities, day treatment services, authentic, hands-on approach to curriculum, credit recovery and personal learning plans. For more information, contact Pender Makin at or visit
THE GRAND OPENING of the Maine Avenue Nature Trail was May 13, featuring the trail improvements completed by Mrs. Ripley and Mrs. Slocumb’s second-grade students under the guidance of Holly Sheehan. The trail is at the intersection of Virginia Street and Maine Avenue. A ribbon cutting took place, followed by tour.
CRAFTERS are wanted for St. Philip’s Strawberry Festival from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. June 26 at the church, 12 Hodge St. Only handmade items will be accepted. Cost is $25 per space. Applications are available by calling 882-7184. Application deadline is June 11.
HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR Rebecca Earl and Carl J. Lamb School grade 3 student Samantha Shepard are winners of the Sanford Farmers Market poster-logo contest for their poster design and logo submissions. Their concepts will be used to promote the weekly market. Both winners received gift certificates to local businesses.
THE PORTLAND SEA DOGS will host 27 Bonny Eagle High School students for a game on Sunday as part of its Sea Dogs Most Improved Student program. The students will be honored at an on-field ceremony and have their names listed in a program insert and on the message board. They include Adam Kennie, Chad Flint, Destinee Darling, Taylor Valliere, Amber Winslow, Eric Peakall, Damien Watts, Jarrett Giftos, Sarra Rumery, Dylan Link, Walter Brown, Corey Leach, Cody Pratt, Colleen Carey, Brooke Estes, Macy Tapley, Nick Long, Samantha King, Derrick Howard, Nick Dyer, Thomas Marston, Nick Merrill, Corey Ahlemeyer, Ashlee LaChance, Roger Cunningham, Nick Cawood and Samantha Galarneau.
BONNY EAGLE MIDDLE School students Erin Judge, Leah Carter and Libby DesRuisseaux will travel to Washington, D.C., June 13-17 to compete in the National History Day competition after winning first-place spots in various categories during a recently held statewide history contest.
Bonny Eagle High School students Cori Simmons, Jennifer Pelizza, Nicole Pelizza and Katie Quinn also qualified for the national competition.
AMERICAN LEGION Post 21 of Bath is seeking participants to march in its Memorial Day Parade, which is set for 10:30 a.m. May 31. Interested participants should call Les Oliver at 389-2804.
SEA ROAD SCHOOL’S grade 5 math team placed first among 29 teams to earn the team award during competition at the Southern Maine Elementary Math League Meet, held May 5. It was the students’ fourth win of four meets they have attended this year. Those students include Sheila Baber, Caroline Rizzo, Madison Lux, Casey Schatzabel, Brenden Whitten and Kristopher Leslie. They represent a larger team of 21 Sea Road School students.
Team members who also earned individual awards for their participation in the contest were Rizzo, who placed first, with a perfect score; Lux, Leslie and Baber placed third through fifth, respectively.
JENNIFER RUSSELL of Waterboro and Jeanette Lyden of Kennebunk were each presented with a Girl Scout honor pin at the Girl Scouts of Maine annual meeting on May 1 in Lewiston. The award honors adult Girl Scout volunteers in recognition of service that exceeds the expectations of their position. For information, visit
THORNTON ACADEMY’S third annual Thornton Fund Auction has raised $56,043, including sponsorships, to benefit the school’s outdoor athletics project. Those funds will allow the school to install artificial turf and lights at Hill Stadium, to renovate the track and to rebuild four tennis courts. Thornton is in the process of raising $1.2 million for the project. It currently has $824,739 toward its goal, including auction proceeds.
APPLICATIONS are being accepted for Maine residents, ages 17 to 22, who wish to be considered for the title of 2010 Maine Wild Blueberry Queen at this year’s Union Fair and a chance to win cash awards of up to $1,500. Applicants will participate in a three-day competition followed by two days of events promoting the wild blueberry industry and the Wild Blueberry Festival held at the fair. The coronation will be held Aug. 22 at the Union Fair Grandstand. The application deadline is June 30. For a complete list of contest qualifications, call Janette Small at 273-3276.
THE SOIL has been tilled, the water turned on and applications are being accepted for individuals who wish to rent a plot in the Community Gardens at Beach Plum Farm. The cost is $35 for land trust members and $45 for others. Plots are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis. Fees cover water usage and tilling. To reserve a garden plot, call the land trust office at Beach Plum Farm at 646-3604 or e-mail
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