Race for Blaine House draws supporters, critics

Listen. Think. Evaluate. Make a decision and act on it. I want my elected officials to lead using these skills.

Libby Mitchell has a proven record of listening, evaluating and working with both parties to achieve a goal. She knows how to work and how to get things done. I am tired of pointless sessions of the Legislature. I want to see work done with both parties putting forth the best solutions possible. Libby Mitchell has been able to bring different factions together in order to work toward solutions for some of the most difficult issues Maine has faced in recent memory.

In particular, I am impressed with her understanding of the importance of not only supporting renewable energy, but making Maine a leader in the technology that will help the nation move toward energy independence.

She has the vision to lead us into an era where Maine will be at the forefront of green technology. She sees the connection between technology and the creation of sustainable job growth for the state of Maine.

She is a leader who knows how to get things done. We need her in Augusta. I encourage you to learn more about her by visiting her website at http:// libbymitchellforgovernor.com.


Debbie Herring

There are two major reasons I am supporting Paul LePage for governor. The first is because of his life experience. He rose from being homeless and living on the streets of Lewiston at age 11 after leaving an abusive family.

There were people who eventually offered him a helping hand. Two different families alternated in giving him a place to live and some part-time work.

He did his part by working and finishing school and going on to college, where he received a master’s in business administration.

He has been a successful businessman, which includes being general manager for Mardens for 14 years, expanding it to 15 stores across the state. He has the political experience of being in his third term as mayor of Waterville. In his three terms, taxes were lowered, the rainy day fund grew and the bond rating increased from A-minus to A-plus.

The second reason I support Mayor LePage is because I trust him. It is refreshing to hear him in person answering questions. No dancing around the issues or putting a finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing.


He is a straight shooter who will give detailed answers, leaving no room for doubt about where he stands. I may not agree with him 100 percent of the time, but I trust him 100 percent to do what he feels will best create a friendly business climate.


I trust him to work to rein in spending, taxes and excessive regulations. I trust him to reform welfare with a balance of wisdom and compassion. I hope you will join me in voting for Paul LePage in the June 8 Republican primary.

Timothy Cyr


And here come the negative ads.


I am a Democrat and will not be voting in the Republican primary. Nonetheless, I was dismayed to see Republican Bruce Poliquin’s negative ad attacking fellow gubernatorial candidate Les Otten.

Maine has a proud tradition of electing strong and world-class leaders. This negative ad made it clear to me that Poliquin is not at the level we Mainers expect from our leaders.

From what I have read, the American Ski Co. is no longer in business, but Sunday River and Sugarloaf ski resorts are both thriving and important economic centers in their regions of Maine.

It looks like Les Otten’s efforts paid off for the people with jobs at those companies and the thousands who ski every winter. Also, didn’t he pull the ownership group together that bought the Red Sox and won two World Series in ’04 and ’07? I kind of like how that one worked out too.

Bruce Poliquin’s bio says he lived most of his life outside of Maine as a Wall Street type, making a fortune in stocks. Last time I checked, it was the Wall Street crowd that drove the national and world economies into the ground and lost us so many jobs it will take generations to recover.

Bruce Poliquin: negative attack ads and Wall Street millionaire. Not exactly the Maine way.


Chris Orestis


An interesting thing happened at our house this morning. Rosa Scarcelli, candidate for governor in the Democratic primary on June 8, came to have coffee and chat with friends we’d invited. Most of those who came had not yet decided who they were voting for. A few were already pro-Rosa, a few leaned toward another candidate.

As people gathered, they eagerly asked questions, which Rosa answered, one after another, across a broad array of issues — jobs, energy, education, health, security, government transparency, growing the economy, taxes, finance and more.

As Rosa expanded on her firm commitment to jobs, education and government efficiency, she demonstrated an impressive command of many issues, fresh ideas for tackling them, and a gracious willingness to listen, learn and work across party lines.

The only non-politician in the race, and the youngest by far, she noted that as a candidate for the Blaine House, she’s “getting a Ph.D.” in issues that concern us all. After a solid hour of fielding questions, we invited everyone to take a break, have more coffee and a bite to eat.


We also asked Rosa how she was doing and if she’d rather just give her pitch when we reconvened. “Oh, no,” she said, “I love questions best because people get to see how I think.” And think she does, superbly.

She’s also thought, read, listened and learned, broadly and deeply, about how Maine might once again become a leader. After many more questions and answers, nearly everyone grabbed a “Rosa for Maine” bumper sticker, eager to support her.

Rosa is an impressive breath of fresh air whom we Democrats should elect on Primary Day, June 8. As the only non-entrenched politician in the race, she’s also the likeliest to win in November.

Susan Stedman
Westport Island

It’s nice when a gubernatorial candidate puts forth some actual specifics, especially when it concerns Maine’s welfare mess. Republican Steve Abbott is focusing on that issue in his TV spot, and following up with refreshingly specific and straightforward proposals for reform.

It won’t be an easy job, since the bureaucrats have incentives to continually increase the rolls of those being “served” by their programs. Incentives for recipients themselves to move toward personal independence are distressingly weak as well.


Mr. Abbott’s proposals would be a good start toward lifting the welfare burden from the backs of taxpayers and recipients alike.

Ralph Dean


One candidate stands out among Republican candidates for governor. Peter Mills’ intelligence, integrity and background as a veteran, successful attorney and businessman assure us of a capable, qualified governor.

His responsible vision of how best to serve all of Maine is evidenced by his 16 years of exemplary legislative service.

In Caratunk, it’s impossible to ignore the key role that Peter Mills played in passing bipartisan legislation that finally empowers families in the treatment of those suffering from mental illness. Future support at the polls wasn’t Mills’ focus. Improving existing law for the benefit of many Maine families was.


Peter Mills knows us. He continues to be more visible here than any state representative, senator, or county commissioner, for that matter.

Let’s get it right this November and elect a governor with a record that leaves no doubt about his/her ability to govern.

Christopher R. Young


I skied at Sunday River when I was a student at Edward Little High School. Two T-bars carried us to the top of one peak. When I returned to ski there in 1998, I was amazed. The international resort had eight peaks, two hotels and three base lodges and offered the best snowmaking in the East.

They also offered great deals on season passes to local schoolchildren, which is why I started to take my family there. I still ski there and it is as great as ever.


I decided to support Les Otten for governor because I was so impressed with what he had done at Sunday River. The more I have learned about him, the better I like him. He has a brilliant mind and a common-sense approach to issues, and he stands up for what he believes. He knows jobs are the No. 1 need in Maine.

Thanks to Les Otten, Sunday River is a huge employer in western Maine, and many small businesses thrive in the area. Bed-and-breakfast establishments, gift shops, convenience stores, restaurants and more all survive because of the skier traffic.

Please join me in voting for Les Otten on June 8.

Harriet Lewis Robinson

Thanks to WGME and The Portland Press Herald for trying to enlighten us regarding the Republican candidates for governor.

But the hour-long debate would have given us more insight on the candidates if the commercials had been eliminated and more time had been given to the candidates.


To try to get information and give the candidates enough time to answer questions in a program that included as many commercials as you included does not do justice to the participants.

The extra time for the candidates would have given us a bit more insight on their policies and how they would handle the state’s economy, education, finances and the many problems we face in Maine. That would have been helpful!

And including a commercial for one of the candidates in your program may be legal, but it was certainly not what one would expect from an ethical point of view.

Guy Vigue


It’s time to elect a new governor, and we have the usual array of Democrats, Republicans and independents. All are promising all sorts of cures for the complex problems facing the great state of Maine.


Given the history of past performances and the political climate in the United States, I am going to vote for the person with no past political experience, who doesn’t know the ropes, who is willing to be “for the people” and not for the money and benefits.

I will vote for the person who is willing to accept a permanent capped salary for the position and who will work for monetary justice. That is what I want to hear to get my vote.

If we look at what the armed forces get paid to protect our lives and freedom while putting their own lives in jeopardy every day, compared to what our politicians are paid, there is a huge gap, and something is wrong with this picture.

If we capped and lowered the salaries of our politicians, removed the benefits and limited the time they could spend in office, we could potentially balance the budget, find a unanimous health care plan and put people in office who are there only to voice the concerns of the people.

We could then remove the more powerful, wealthy persons who increase their prestige and finances through political prowess. I may be only one vote, but in talking with others, a lot of people feel the same way.

If we start in Maine, maybe the old saying “As Maine goes, so goes the nation” might come true, and we can all go back to the basic elements of the Constitution that we seem to have gone astray from.

Peggy Janus