SCARBOROUGH — Construction of the Pine Point Beach access project is slated to begin Monday.

The project involves the creation of a passenger drop-off area, a 10-foot-wide concrete walkway to the beach and amenities like benches, a bicycle rack and landscaping.

Town Manager Thomas Hall said the first phase of the project, including the walkway and fencing, is expected to be completed by Memorial Day. Hall said work on the second phase – which he characterized as the “creature comforts” – would begin in the fall or spring.

The project was made possible by a land swap between the town and the Lighthouse Inn that was sharply criticized by the Pine Point Residents Association.

The Town Council this week allocated $98,000 to the project. The money was allocated for capital improvement projects in 2008 but had not been used, Hall said. The total cost is $105,000.

The council also directed that a low stone wall be removed as part of the projects. The Pine Point Residents Association had expressed concern that it was encroaching into the public way and forcing pedestrians and cyclists to use the travel lane near a curve in the road.