The irony of the subhead on the March 4 editorial against cell phone warning labels, “It would be wrong to treat the devices with the same caution given to tobacco products,” did not escape me.

As a supporter of the Children’s Wireless Protection Act, I fully agree with you that it would be wrong to treat these devices with the same caution – that is, the same lame, inexcusable, and corporate-trusting caution as we dealt with tobacco. We are being inexcusably cautious in failing to recognize the potential hazards of cell phone usage. This is especially true with the ever-increasing, almost ubiquitous use of cell phones by children.

It took too many years for us to finally refute the fear, uncertainty and doubt that big tobacco raised despite the overwhelming evidence that tobacco use was bad for one’s health. Do we really want to entrust our health and safety to the $4 trillion cell phone industry? The Children’s Wireless Protection Act merely provides for a warning label that states the fact that cell phones emit electromagnetic radiation and that children and pregnant women should keep their device away from their body (as stated in rarely-read user manuals).

I use my cell phone every day and it is a marvelous technological innovation that allows me to be more productive and to be closer to family and friends. The first 6 inches of the antennae is where the bulk of the radiation is emitted. When I have a choice, I use a land line. Most often I use a hands-free device so that my phone is not glued to my ear.

I urge Maine residents to contact their state legislators and urge them to support the Children’s Wireless Protection Act, a common-sense solution for our children.