Construction of a nearly $1 million water main extension on Fort Hill Road in Gorham is under way as part of a 7-mile highway reconstruction.

“Its making good progress,” said Rico Spugnardi, water district development engineer.

Gorham contractor R.J. Grondin & Sons is reconstructing Fort Hill Road (Route 114) from the University of Southern Maine to Sebago Lake Village.

A construction crew blasted ledge last week to make way for the 16-inch water main along the Fort Hill Road from Gordon Farm Way to Huston Road. Ned Pierce, project manager for Portland Water District, said Tuesday the 8,300-foot extension is costing $963,000.

The water district and the town of Gorham are partnering in paying for the new water line. Gorham is using money from the town’s impact fee account to fund its share of the extension. But, residents who want water service will be charged to hook on.

The water district has set the fee for homeowners on Fort Hill Road at $3,364 to install a pipe from the main to a property line.


The fee includes $2,000 toward the cost of extending the water main; $1,200 to install a 1-inch water service pipe to a property line; $25 application fee; and $139 for a water meter.

Homeowners would be responsible for installing the service into the homes. “They would have to hire their own contractor,” Pierce said.

Chris Crovo of the water district said the Maine Public Utilities Commission has a formula for those homeowners who might wish to tie into the water main at a later date. Homeowners connecting after 15 years wouldn’t have to pay the $2,000 contribution.

Homeowners who want to be served by water from the main extension are being required to pay the connection fee up front. The water district estimated the water main extension would be completed this year. But road reconstruction will delay new water service to homeowners until next spring.

Portland Water District met with about 50 residents Tuesday at Gorham High School to explain fees. Many who attended were from neighborhoods off Fort Hill Road. Several had questions about extending water service from the new main into existing developments on streets intersecting with Fort Hill Road.

Water district representatives said the district serves 11 communities and doesn’t pay to extend water mains into neighborhoods. A resident or group of residents would have to pay to extend a water main into a neighborhood.


Spugnardi said a “ballpark figure” for construction costs would be $100 for each foot of water main extension. That figure would include a $1,000 contribution towardsthe cost of the main extension on Fort Hill Road from each homeowner on a side street wanting water service.

The water main will be buried 5 1/2 feet below the finished grade of the highway. Pierce said the water main extension will include eight fire hydrants.

For more information, residents should contact Spugnardi at 774-5961, ext. 3199.

Cutline (GOR construction 1) – A construction crew drills holes, as they prepare to blast ledge for a water main extension on Fort Hill Road in Gorham.Gorham undergoing $1 million water main extentsion